Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Out of the Darkness comes new light......

God can make the very worst things that ever happened in your life work for your very best. Zac Poonen

After Madelynn's OHS in 2008, she suffered a collapsed lung, paralysis in her diaphragm and strep pneumonia. She has been seeing a pediatric pulmunologist since her first release from the hospital. I can't even tell you how much I hated visiting this doctor. I hated the breathing treatments, of course not as much as Madelynn hated them. Every time I felt like she was doing well and jumped 5 steps forward we would crash down 10 steps. This whole journey brought so many tears, frustration and just pure sadness.

Last year Madelynn was old enough to go through some very detailed testing. She did not do as well as the doctor had hoped but she did ok. The doctor sent us home with some homework; let he play sports with no limitations and she had to do some breathing exercises.  A little over a year later we returned to go through the testing again today.

She was very excited to do the testing because she has been through it before. She felt like an expert. She followed directions. It didn't take nearly as long as last year. When we met with the doctor to review the results I was shocked. I could barely collect my thoughts to ask intelligent questions. He told us she did great. If a child without heart and lung issues took theses tests, Madelynn scored higher that they did.

I was able to mutter out an intelligent question, "What does that mean about her supposed permanent damage?" One of two things has happened. Either her body has healed herself or her body has compensated for the damaged diaphragm and learned how to live with it. I asked does it matter which one it is. He told us the are some very specific tests that would tell us but he would not recommend them.

Then I heard him say something about 2 years. I quickly blurted out, "What!!" He repeated it and I heard it loud and clear. Unless she has difficult with an illness We do not need to see him for 2 years. I was NOT expecting that. So now she sees the heart and lung doctor every two years.

There are truly not enough words to describe the pure JOY I felt driving home. Thank you for all of the prayers and well wishes. I feel like we are truly on the best side of this journey.

Happy Wednesday!!


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