Saturday, August 3, 2013

Never, Ever Stop Fighting......

It has been so long since I posted anything, when I went to long in I forgot my password. Crazy!! Well what's crazier yet is my life lately. In the last two weeks, my ac went in both of our cars. It has been in the high 80's and 90's with humidity. I probably left 10 lbs on the trip to work. At least God was kind enough to let it go out after the kids camps were over.

Phil also spent a chunk of change buying car parts for the van to assemble himself to save us money. Remember he is a "motorhead",  it is what he went to school for, not to mention I LOVE his mechanical mind. The day before he had planned to put all of these parts on the ac compressor in the van goes out. The same day the dryer stops heating. It runs cold air but the heating element went out.

The list goes on about all the things that happened in the last too weeks. Monday evening was my breaking point. I yelled, cried and finally went to bed emotionally exhausted. Every Tuesday morning at work there is a group of us that meet for a 15 minute break and just pray for whatever is on our hearts that day.

I broke down.....I just asked God to take it all away and just fix it because I could not and was at the mercy of anyone who could help. I was no longer in control and God showed me He HEARD me LOUD and CLEAR.

My good friend's husband found the dryer part for $25.00, when I was about to pay $100.00; and then wouldn't even let us pay for the part. Thank You Roger!! Phil and Roger worked endlessly on the van because the parts that needed replacing reared their ugly head and gave them a run for their money. The AC still needs to be fixed but when we get the money in another week or so it will be an easy repair. Everything else is finished.

The dryer part arrived Friday afternoon. Once the van was put back together, about 11:30 pm the dryer part was put on and a glorious heatwave was coming from my dryer and clothes were tumbling around and around. I have been doing laundry non stop for 24 hours. On top of our regular laundry, Jack had a few bed wetting mishaps, I had towels screaming to be cleaned and it was tax free weekend on school supplies including clothes. I had two loads of new clothes to was too.

But today was the icing on the cake. Today was the day my cup runneth over.

This morning we had soccer evaluations. I did not have all the money today because the school clothes and the car were more important. My children do not understand that concept. I went to the evaluations and talked to someone in charge. I told her I only had half the money. In her best smile the woman said, "We never turn anyone away just pay the balance before the end of the season." I almost fell on the floor. I just needed two weeks not 12 weeks.

While at the evaluations I sat and watched the kids stand in each line and give it their best effort. Jack and Katie because of their ages had to stand in a different line than Maddie. Yes, Maddie is going to play soccer. When I saw Maddie standing in a line without her siblings and I saw all the other parents standing with their child I walked over to her. I asked her if I could stand here with her. She told me, "No Mommy, I can do it myself. You can sit over there."

All the Parents standing around just looked at me with dropped jaws. I said, "Ok, I love you."

I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry because she did it!!! She is living and thriving even though she almost died. We made it to the day where she feels just like everyone else even though she knows she's not. She has more specialist's than most of the kids in her school. But today she looked, breathed, laughed and ran just like all the other kids.

Well not quite........

When the evaluations were over, I looked and all three of their results before I turned them in. Maddie ran the fastest 10 yard and 20 yard sprints and scored the highest on the goal kicking. Katie scored the highest dribbling around the cones and Jack scored the highest on the free dribbling.

I truly had no words for this........

So all though we still have a ways to go to get things back to normal, we don't need normal it is SO overrated. We have EXTRAORDINARY!!! 

This is my PSA reminding all of you to never give up and never ever stop fighting.