Saturday, September 8, 2012

Over the last week....

During the last week I have been running, running, running.......and I am exhausted.

To start Madelynn finally started school. She was very nervous. To start 90% of her friends she has gone to this school with for the last two years are not in her class this you. She is one of the youngest children in the class. I believe she is also nervous because for the last two years she has had the same teachers and this year she has new teachers. Unfortunately, the day after she met her teachers the week before one of them left. So she started the school year off with a teacher she had never met.

Madelynn was very excited about the classroom and all the fun things to do. This year she has and art center, nature center with a fish tank, kitchen and family care area. She would have been happy to taking care of the babies all day. I was thrilled to see all the things that will challenge her this year. I believe that over the next few weeks she will get acclimated and do very well. Sadly, I discovered she needs help learning how to use scissors. Since she cut her own hair last year I assumed this was not an issue. However cutting hair and paper are two different things. guess we will have to practice.


Today was the first GAME Day of the season for Kaitlynn and Jackson. Let me just say when I left for the field this morning it was grey and foggy. However, I came home with face, arms and feet that resembled a roasted tomato. I have flip flop stripes across the tops of my feet, farmers stripe across my bicep and my face looks like I tried a new raspberry makeup.

Enough about me.....Kaitlynn and Jackson did great on the field today. Jackson's game was up first  and he wowed the crowd. The first play of the game he was passed the ball at mid-field without taking a step he used those powerful legs and scored. I and most of the parents watching were stunned. His team won 7-2 and Jackson scored 4 times. He did really well.


Right after Jackson's game we moved fields and settled in for Kaitlynn's game. Kaitlynn's team did not fair as well they lost 9-7. Kaitlynn scored twice and did very well acclimating to her teammates and being one of the smallest players on the team. Even though they lost many of the parents, from the other team, and the official walked over and complimented how well they played. I think it was a good learning experience for the team. Kaitlynn was not disappointed they lost because her coach pulled her aside and told her how great she did. If nothing else I hope this is a great confidence builder for her as the season goes on.



Over all it was a Good week and Great Soccer Day. But my favorite pictures of the week are.......


Welcome to Fall Soccer Season....


Monday, September 3, 2012

Farewell Summer 2012

The end of Summer is here. Like most parents, I am a little sad it is coming to a close. I have truly enjoyed my children this summer and everything it entailed.

It started out with one child mastering her bike, one child brave enough to just take off and ride, and one child finally having long enough legs to ride the big wheel (you would have thought she won the lottery), Vacation Bible School, Family Weekend and three weeks of Camp Gabe took us through the end of July.

Camp Gabe is where the kids really thrived this summer. Kaitlynn was enrolled in the Fine Arts Camp. She came home each week with some amazing art work. Not to mentioned she loved the freedom to just create. Jackson on the other hand spent three weeks in Sports Camp. My favorite part about Jackson in Sports Camp, someone finally wore him down. He LOVED it, but he was beyond he slept all summer.

Madelynn was in three weeks of "Mini" Camp. Half her pre-school class was enrolled, she loved it. My favorite part about "Mini" Camp was the first day when Madelynn crawled out of bed she pulled her Minnie Mouse T-shirt out the drawer. She looked at me and said, "I have to wear my Minnie shirt for "Mini" Camp." Never a dull moment.

The rest of the summer was spent sitting under trees as the breeze blew by, sneaking off to Brewsters's for after dinner ice cream, magic tricks and wild animals at the library and swimming as much as possible. It also included lots of tests and doctor visits. All three had their annual physicals. except for Madelynn's weight the doctor was very please with all three. We also left the pediatric cardiologist with a great report. We have to wait until next year to find out more about Madelynn's nerve damage in her diaphragm but all is well for now.

I'm not going to lie I LOVE when school is in session. It is nice to know if I leave for work and the house is clean, when I come home it will still be clean. My children are routine people. If they know the plan they depend on it. Ask those who come to visit and the plan is disrupted.

This year marks big changes for Kaitlynn. She will earn real grades instead of satisfactory or unsatisfactory. She will participate in End of Grade (EOG) testing. If she does not pass this testing she does not pass the grade. Each student Must pass both the class and the EOG. I have not talked to her about this yet, it is on the agenda for the week.

Jackson will still be on the satisfactory/unsatisfatory program but his teacher will have a challange. Lucky for us she knows all the tricks, has been teching for 25 years, and been at the school since it opened in 1998. Jackson was very excited when he heard she would be his teacher. I hope this was an answered prayer.

Madelynn starts school this week. She was very sad when we drove Kaitlynn and Jackson to school and she could not go. She cannot wait for school to start.

Enjoy the photos from the first day of school through the first day of school.

So Long Summer...