Tuesday, January 24, 2012

40 things I have learned....in the last 40 years...

Well Today is my 40th Birthday. Throughout my life I have learned things about myself and things that are just facts of life. Just thought I would share them.

1. You can never say I love you enough.....
2. A child's smile will cure any bad day....
3. You are never too old for a nap....
4. Best Friends CAN be forever....
5. Waiting in long lines are not the worst thing in the world.....
6. Breakfast for dinner is sometimes required.....
7. It is OK to spend a day doing absolutely nothing....
8. Thank God for the rain.....
9. You MUST do your homework......
10. Some days shoes are optional.....
11. Just because it rings doesn't mean you have to answer the phone....
12. I love night time thunderstorms.......
13. You are never too old to swing or play on the teeter totter......
14. Don't feel guilty for spending the day without your children.....
15. Learn to use power tools......
16. It is truly amazing to witness a miracle...
17. There are days when the house will be completely a mess.....
18. You can cry in front of your kids......
19. Even with Today's technology you should write and mail your grandmother a letter....
20. Don't take your parents for granted.....
21. If you must punish or spank your children, when it's over look them in the eye and tell them you love them........
22. Find something to make you Laugh Out Loud EVERYDAY.....
23. Learn from your mistakes.......
24. It's ok to cry when pets die.....
25. "What if's" don't matter because they aren't "What is"..........
26. Always be Happy with what you have.....
27. Take LOTS of Pictures....your children with thank you later....
28. Don't squander gifts.....No matter who gave them to you......
29. Family is Forever.....
30. Volunteer, Volunteer, Volunteer.......
31. Do what you love and the money will come....
32. Pray for those that hurt or anger you.....
33. Adopt a rescued animal............
34. Clean your room and make your bed........
35. Make time for Date Night.........
36. Read a book......or 5.........
37. Walking or Running at least one 5K a year won't kill you.........
38. Helping a perfect stranger is very rewarding....
39. Do it yourself projects will teach you something about yourself.....
40. Life is never what we expected it to be, but learn from the changes.....


Friday, January 20, 2012

Harry and David

The last few years we have received a WONDERFUL Christmas gift. Harry and David's Fruit of the Month. Yes I said Fruit of the Month....

If you know anything about our family we could go with out a lot of things but fruit is not one of them. Everything from kiwi, pineapple, mangos, bananas, apples, pears if it is a fruit my kids will eat it. When they found out we were getting fruit in the mail again you would have thought we won the lottery. I had to post the list of what we were getting each month so they could keep up.

So far the most popular item we have received the last few years in the HONEY BELLS!! To most they are just oranges. But not really...they are the juiciest, sweet tasting, seedless oranges I have ever had. My kids have to use the bibs enclosed they are so juicy. I usually take one orange and cut it into about  six slices and all you see is fresh juice pouring down their chin at every bite.

Then for whatever the reason the silliness begins. Never would I think that simple fruit would bring so much laughter.

One of the most humorous things about this fruit shipment is the warning on the label about how juicy they are and the handbook on How to Eat Honey Bells.

So in case you didn't get the message Thank You Nana Patti, Papa Dave and Aunt Joy we LOVE the Honey Bells and the comic relief it provides.


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Just in case..........

If you were wondering what we have been up to.....

Kaitlynn received a beginners cookbook for Christmas that she LOVES.....

One Sunday when I had to work she and Daddy made banana pancakes from scratch that I heard were to die for. Jack claimed her didn't want any for breakfast but in the end he ate the most for breakfast that morning. Go Figure...

Well the last few days Kaitlynn has been begging to try another recipe. So for an hour we flipped through it and discussed what ingredients we had and what we needed and it was finally decided....Homemade Ice Cream Sandwiches. The ice cream was store bought but the cookie to make the sandwich was made from scratch. YUMMY!!!

Unfortunately, they also take 6 hours to set one the sandwich is made. Se we had to wait until the next day to taste our scrumptious treat.

Our little baker was a success......

Thanks for the cookbook Grandma Bacho.


Monday, January 16, 2012

Evan Almighty

Just to think about the story I am about to tell you makes me LAUGH OUT LOUD.

Every once in a while you run into the three day movie marathon where every time you turn the TV on the same movie is about to start or just end. There are certain movies that when you find them on, especially comedy's. You have to sit down and watch. For me one of those movies is Evan Almighty.

I never used to be a Steve Carell fan, in fact I have NEVER watched an episode of The Office. I am sure at this point my sister is gasping for air right now. However, this movie just makes me truly laugh out loud. One weekend before Christmas this marathon was on and I watched part of this movie at least three times. The kids watched the movie all the way through and loved the animals and I heard them giggling through it.

Side bar:

Early November I went to a craft fair and did a little Christmas shopping. I love these types of events because I can find unique items I won't find at Target, Walmart or any store in the mall. I found a jewelry maker and a really cool pendant. At another vendor I found a cool necklace to match the pendant.  I was talking to the lady about the pendant so I could find the right necklace for it. Somehow I just started babbling about Maddie and how lucky I was.

When my transaction was complete I noticed my bag was bigger than it should have been. I looked in the bag and looked back and the lady. She told me she slipped a little something in the bag for Maddie and wished me a Merry Christmas. It was a hand made sewn book. Complete with bright colors and a great story.

Back to the Story:

So Maddie opens the book from "Santa" and was very excited. She has carried it around, hugged it and slept with it. To her it was one of her favorite gifts. I keep finding the book all over the house in the oddest places so I know it is getting used. Not to mention, read at least three times a week.

Did I mention the title of the book....."Noah's Ark"

The first time Katie read the book to me she just finished the first page and was turning to the second; looks up at me as it all the lights in the attic just went on and says, "Mommy we have seen this movie!"

I'm not sure the Bible Story and a Steve Carell playing Noah qualify as the same book and movie but man I laughed about it all day. I can't even tell the story without laughing.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jack's First Game........

Basketball season has started.

Just thought I would share a few pictures of Jack's first basketball game. It was really hilarious to see all of these first graders trying to understand the concept of basketball and some of the specific rules designed for his age group. Jack was lucky enough to play against his best friend Sam.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Catching Up.......

As I type this I realize I am really behind in my posts. When I looked back I hadn't left a post since Christmas. It seems like since Christmas I was dropped in a whirlwind and I just recently found the door to get out. So I am going to post a few Christmas pictures and then move on into the new year.

Reindeer noses compliments of Nana Patti.
The kids were so excited for Christmas I truly thought my house would explode. It was all we could do to settle the kids down. Jack had such difficulty calming down at school I had to threaten to keep his Christmas presents and that Santa would not any for him. He finally got the picture and put the brakes on. On the last day of school before break he brought me home this....

I thought he did a great job. I was bummed we couldn't keep it, but you get the idea from the pictures.

Christmas Eve was spent with Grandma and Grandpa Bacho with Christmas dinner (Grandma Bacho did a FABULOUS job!!), church and presents and yes in that order. We went to the Mass with the Handbell Choir and Children's Choir it was really nice. It was such a crazy day, I was too busy being with family and didn't take any pictures. I couldn't believe it either.

Christmas Day, when in town, we always go to Kaitlynn's god-parents house. The house looks like you walked into the North Pole. Think of everyone of your favorite Christmas treats or favorite food it is on the buffet to eat. I do not eat anything before or after this visit because I think I eat all three meals for the day during the visit to their house. Talk about YUMMY!!!

The rest of Christmas Break for the kids was uneventful, we just tried to spend as much time together as possible since the kids had to go back to school on the 2nd.

We really hope everyone really did have a Wonderful Christmas.

Ok on to 2012!!!!