Tuesday, January 24, 2012

40 things I have learned....in the last 40 years...

Well Today is my 40th Birthday. Throughout my life I have learned things about myself and things that are just facts of life. Just thought I would share them.

1. You can never say I love you enough.....
2. A child's smile will cure any bad day....
3. You are never too old for a nap....
4. Best Friends CAN be forever....
5. Waiting in long lines are not the worst thing in the world.....
6. Breakfast for dinner is sometimes required.....
7. It is OK to spend a day doing absolutely nothing....
8. Thank God for the rain.....
9. You MUST do your homework......
10. Some days shoes are optional.....
11. Just because it rings doesn't mean you have to answer the phone....
12. I love night time thunderstorms.......
13. You are never too old to swing or play on the teeter totter......
14. Don't feel guilty for spending the day without your children.....
15. Learn to use power tools......
16. It is truly amazing to witness a miracle...
17. There are days when the house will be completely a mess.....
18. You can cry in front of your kids......
19. Even with Today's technology you should write and mail your grandmother a letter....
20. Don't take your parents for granted.....
21. If you must punish or spank your children, when it's over look them in the eye and tell them you love them........
22. Find something to make you Laugh Out Loud EVERYDAY.....
23. Learn from your mistakes.......
24. It's ok to cry when pets die.....
25. "What if's" don't matter because they aren't "What is"..........
26. Always be Happy with what you have.....
27. Take LOTS of Pictures....your children with thank you later....
28. Don't squander gifts.....No matter who gave them to you......
29. Family is Forever.....
30. Volunteer, Volunteer, Volunteer.......
31. Do what you love and the money will come....
32. Pray for those that hurt or anger you.....
33. Adopt a rescued animal............
34. Clean your room and make your bed........
35. Make time for Date Night.........
36. Read a book......or 5.........
37. Walking or Running at least one 5K a year won't kill you.........
38. Helping a perfect stranger is very rewarding....
39. Do it yourself projects will teach you something about yourself.....
40. Life is never what we expected it to be, but learn from the changes.....


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