Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day!!

Before there was Madelynn, Jackson or even Kaitlynn, it was just Phil and I. For six years it was always Phil and I. As much as I love my children, I would walk through fire for them. Sometimes I miss when it was just Phil and I.
Today is a special day for so many reasons. For starters, it is Grandmother Caroline's birthday. Even when I was a little girl I always thought it was "cool" my grandmother was born on Valentine's Day. In my entire life I have only had one really SPECTACULAR Valentine's Day. I'm not sure Phil will ever be able to top it. Seeing as it was my FIRST Valentine's Day with Phil and he proposed. To most I am sure it all sounds very cliche but it was one of the few times in my life I was REALLY excited.

Since Madelynn's diagnosis and surgery Valentine's Day has taken on a WHOLE new meaning. Instead of just buying traditional valentine's and sugar filled candy, this year the kids created their valentine's. I cut out close to 60 hearts, we painted and the kids addressed each one. Since Madelynn couldn't write I used her's to spread Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) Awareness.

One side of the heart says, "One out of every 100 babies is born with a CHD every year".

On the other side it reads, "I AM 1 in 100. Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Madelynn."

It is strange to me to observe this permutation in my life. To reminisce about days of independence from children always makes me smile. But when I stop and admire my life today including the tremendous hurdles we have jumped or some days crawled under, we wouldn't be complete without ALL of it.

Life is just not how I ever thought it would be. I have learned to be grateful for the journey set before me. I am completely indebted to Phil for never throwing in the towel. Very glad he will always be my Valentine.

Wishing everyone a Wonderful Valentine's Day!!


Friday, February 10, 2012

CHD Awareness

Becoming a CHD Statistic was not a choice.
Being forced to learn about the heart and lung machine, open heart surgery and possibility of survival were not part of my education repertoire.
As a parent we take a silent oath to care for our children, make the life changing decisions to give them the best fighting chance and pray, hoping we made the right choice.

There is absolutely no consolable words you can say to a parent who just handed there child over to the surgeon.
I have lived the life of standing back watching your child take one breath at a time hoping they survive.

I have had to stand there helpless while attempts were made to get my child breathing again.

But I choose to be the proud mother of a CHD Survivor.
My daughter is part of the statistic that 1 in every 100 babies born each year is born with a Congenital Heart Defect. My daughter’s story is one of the lucky ones; her defect was found in enough time to save her life.

Since not all babies and their families are as fortunate as we are spreading awareness in all of its forms is vital.

In Honor of all CHD Babies and Angels we are spreading Congenital Heart Defect Awareness, in hopes that awareness will save lives.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Sometimes life doesn't always allow you to do things exactly on the day you should.

This year has started out to be a BIG year for me. This year about two weeks ago I turned forty, yes that was 40!! Less than a week later I did something really stupid....Trying to be that multi tasking mom I grabbed a REALLY hot pan bare-handed and didn't let go right away. I spent 3 hours in the Urgent Care and walked out with all 5 of my fingers on my left hand wrapped in blue medical tape. I thought I was slowly becoming Smurfette.

You would think at this stage in my life I would have made a smarter choice. Sometimes wanting to spend every minute with my kids something has to give. Because of my stupidity and not being able to type very well for a few days I am a little late in this post.

Shortly after entering high school, I met my best friend to which we quickly discovered our birthday's were only a week apart. In high school she always brought me my present on her birthday, it kind of became tradition. We were college roommates until she made a life changing decision and left for the Navy. Whether she was a few states away, across the country or half way around the world she has always been there no matter what.

We received equally exciting birthday presents. I will be going to Savannah, Ga for St. Patty's Day. There are not enough words to tell you how excited I am about this and she was the first one I wanted to share my surprising news with. A few days before her birthday she left for Vegas for a week. She posted lots of pictures so I was able to take the journey with her. But, she was lucky enough to have her brother and his wife join them in the fun. I believe at that moment her parents were looking down on them proud that when it is really important; they make time for each other.

Throughout my life I have had the great privilege to meet, learn from, cry with, laugh with and grow with her. Without her, I would have not found my first job, learned to love art class or learned to savor the pure silence of just spending time with your best friend. I can honestly say her absence would have made me a different person.

I'm not sure I have ever told her.....My son LOVES the fact that she is his god-mother. He calls her his G-ma and gets really excited when he going to see her. It is really sweet. He reminds me all the time what a great choice I made in so many ways.

So although I am late in my post the sentiment is just as true even though it is about a week late.


Love Ya!!


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Surviving the Insanity.....

Since celebrating my birthday the days have been slightly insane.

Two days after my birthday we had to be at the kids school for Katie's 2nd Grade Music Performance. It was all about recycling and saving the planet. Katie was a fish suffering in the water from pollution. It was really cute!!

Thanks to some wonderful friends of Camp Luck we were able to score tickets to a Charlotte Checkers game. Katie, Jack and Maddie had never been to an event like this and were just in awe of such a huge arena.We had such fun teaching the kids about hockey. They loved the Zamboni Machine. Jack wanted to know if he could get a chance to ride on it. It had been a while since we were able to just hang out and laugh, cheer and boo with other heart families instead of who is in the hospital having surgery.

The following day spent most of it at a friend's house to learn how to brew beer and just hangout. It was four families and 8 kids. It was pure chaos but I can not remember the last time I had so much fun. I laughed harder, talked about things not related to the heart, it felt normal. Not that we truly know what normal is......it reminded me of days before Madelynn's diagnosis. More importantly it showed me life can be that way again with some adjustments. I was completely exhausted when I arrived home but the good kind.

After this fun but exhausting weekend, I told Phil I was taking my birthday money and going shopping without any children. He needed to get the kids to Sunday School and I would see him at dinner. At first I felt kind of bad, but the more I thought about it I spend ALMOST ALL my time with the kids. One afternoon won't kill him and I needed a break from the insanity.

As I was walking out the door I get my phone and see my mom called. She asked what I was doing. When I told her, I asked if you wanted to meet me? What mother daughter team would say no to an afternoon of shopping?? Not any mother daughter team I know. It was really a lot of fun and I was really glad she called.

However, one of the things I missed......when Katie was in the shower getting ready to go to class her loose tooth fell out. This is her fifth tooth. After the rough road she has had with losing teeth it was nice she had a normal experience.

Katie was excited about her gift from the tooth fairy and asked if she could take her money to the school store. She wanted new pencils and erasers. I told her it was her money so off to school the next day she went to school with her purse and money in tow. Had no idea the $2.00 in coins would bring so much happiness.

A week in the life.....can be truly exhausting but with all those smiles how can you not keep moving.