Sunday, August 24, 2014

When the lost get found......

Tomorrow morning Kaitlynn will start 5th grade (her last year of elementary school), Jackson enters 4th grade and Madelynn will skip in to 1st grade. People ask me all the time, "Aren't you ready for them to go back to school?" My constant answer is, "No, it will be nice for my house to be as clean as when I left for work as when I come home but I will missed the more relaxed environment."

In preparation for the return to school, I started in one room moving through the house and just went to town decluttering again. I have an over flowing recycle and trash containers for pick up tomorrow, one black trash bag and box full of recycling and I found a few missing items. One item in particular.

I lost a disk from my camera that had a few months worth photos on it. I thought I had lost it in the deep abyss know as my house but it has resurfaced. I thought I would share a few of the lost photos I thought I would never recover.

Jackson getting ready for his first basketball
game of the 2013 season.

"Bob" our oak tree. He has provided many
great summer days. Take note this is January
and the kids are wearing shorts.

For Christmas one year the kids received a soccer
goal. One weekend in January we put it

Don't freak out Dad....Can you guess who took this picture. Yes
I am wearing Tigger PJ's. LOL!!!

The completed soccer goal.

"Bob" out oak tree will not lose his leaves until January. Madelynn
decided to play in the leaves I had raked up. What a cutie!! So glad
I found this disk.

Kaitlynn and Jackson taking a break from breaking
in the new soccer goal. This was also in January,
another reason why I LOVE the south.
So glad I found this disk.........


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