A year ago today my life changed forever. The day started out as any other day. I was up early for work and dropped all three kids off at day care. I worked till about noon. I had to leave Charlotte drive to Indian Trail pick up Madelynn and make it back to the Hospital uptown Charlotte by 2pm. Since the pediatrician visit on the 14th, I really was not expecting much at the cardiologist visit this afternoon.
Completely unphased we travelled through several parts of the cardiologist visit. They put stickers all over Madelynn's body and attached these nodes to take a reading, they checked her weight, blood pressure, length, oxygen level. Then they took us to an ultrasound room and did an echo on her heart. I still was completely oblivious to the fact that the amount of people that were observing was growing.
After the echo they took us back to the original room we started in. A few minutes later the pediatric cardiologist came in sat down and proceeded to talk. ....."your daughter has a coractation of the aorta she will have surgery on her heart in the morning. I am trying to get you a room at the hospital to get you/her admitted.......it should be a fairly simple procedure through her armpit"... The doctor needed to check on our room and left.
Phil and I were dumbfounded.
The doctor was not gone long enough and came back in the door. ......."I'm sorry there is more your daughter's coartation is much more severe than originally thought she will need what is called an extended repair...........she will have to have open heart surgery......we need to run more tests and I need to get you in that room at the hospital.....Please take your time call whomever you need to....you did nothing wrong nor was it your fault this happened she was born with it.....we will let you know when we are walking to the hospital.
The hospital was connected to the cardiologist office by way of a enclosed catwalk.
At this time Phil and I just hugged each other and cried. Our beautiful girl is in real trouble. I looked at Phil and said I am only going to be able to tell this story one time without crying. I called work first. Then I called my mom and broke down. Phil did the same.
I remember that walk from the doctors office to the hospital room I was numb.
Once in the hospital room the amount of people in Madelynn's hospital room kept growing. Madelynn's aorta was very unique. The Children's Hospital is also a teaching hospital so her very unique case drew some of the best doctor's in the business wanting to see it live.
Madelynn fought all through the tests and drugs they gave her and made for a long afternoon and evening. I should have known then what a fighter she would be. At one point they told us we need to do this extensive echo so we know exactly what we are looking at for surgery in the morning. Why don't you two go get something to eat and we can talk with you once the test is over and you have had something to eat.
We went to eat but I don't know what I ate or even if Phil and I said a word to each other during that meal. All I knew was that I wanted to get back to my baby. Sometime after we ate and made it back to the room my dad walked in. I was so glad he was there. I remember he looked at Madelynn and just stood back and let everyone work. He was so patient and just waited. I was still really glad he was there.
At this point I watched the surgeon make this drawing, I made a few notes on it.

Thinking back on this day.......I have no idea who picked Katie and Jack up from day care, fed them or put them to bed I just know it wasn't me. I don't know what time I went to bed or if I slept that night. I don't know what time my dad left or what time Phil's mom and sister showed up at our house.
I just know that after one year on this road I wouldn't trade any part of it for a simpler journey. Madelynn was gifted to us, God knew we were the best parents for the job and I was going to make sure this gift wasn't squandered.
1 comment:
Very compelling. Nice to be in a different place now and have this behind you rather than being in teh middle of it.
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