As I was driving home from work today there are a few precious moments that I get to be by myself. At 3:00 in the afternoon when I am on my way home, most people aren't getting off yet. So the trip that takes me 45 minutes in the morning only takes about 20 minutes in the afternoon.
In my 20 minute drive today, I was listening to a radio show that was talking about treasured moments. Some small little lapse of time that you wouldn't trade for the world but you will remember forever. Some people talked about there last days with their parents, kids going off to school, etc. Just that one time that stops your clock and you savor that moment because you would hate that you missed it.
My treasured moment with Kaitlynn, most recent one anyway was out
haircuts. In five and a half years Kaitlynn has only had her haircut twice (4 times if you count her personal trim jobs,
lol). I was on my 3rd donation. But for Kaitlynn it was a big deal. We spent the afternoon surfing the web and she told me exactly what she wanted. When I found it, it was like she won the lottery. The day of the haircut we went to the salon I always take the kids. They have a side room for the parents. So I did not see the cut on her till the final product. She was beautiful. At that point I no longer had 3 children 5 and under, I had a blossoming girl who was ready to take on the world.
As for Jackson sometimes it seems that treasured moments are hard to come by. There has been a period where not too long ago I felt like all I did was tell him no. It was very frustrating for both him and me. Some days I want to just cry myself to sleep because I felt like I was losing control and he would hate me. Those of you who know Jack, he loves to dance. He might even acquire the nickname "snake hips" (that's another story).
I was trying to put laundry away and was listening to a
NCIS episode in the process. We watch the show even in re-runs that Jack knows the theme music and yells N C I S every time. During a marathon day, an episode was just starting, I was trying to put laundry away and he was dancing all in the way. Instead of yelling at him to get out of the way, I found myself spend the few precious second the theme lasts at the start of the show dancing with him in my bedroom. When the music was over and the commercial came on he moved out the way without being asked and went on his merry way. He always makes me laugh even when I shouldn't.
As for Miss
Madelynn, there are so many choosing one is hard. She was in the
CVICU and it was 4 days after her surgery. I really had not left the hospital in 5 days. Phil and I had agreed. She was not our only child and we promised to have a Sunday family dinner with Kaitlynn and Jackson. I was finding it incredibly hard to leave. How did I know that she would be okay without me?
At this point in her recovery, there was a nurse in her room sitting at her bedside 24/7. So the nurse knew I was struggling with leaving my baby girl with strangers. Phil had already gone to start dinner and he was going to try and work the next day.
Madelynn still had several tubes in her and other lines coming out of her. All I could do was rub her foot and stare into those big blue eyes at the time.
The nurse asked if I was okay and if I had any questions. I asked her how was I supposed to leave her, I couldn't break a promise to my other children, but how could I leave my baby. The nurse said something I will never forget, 'would you like to hold her' I almost fainted. It took her about 10
mins to set it up but all the wires were still attached and I was able to sit in a rocking chair and rock her to sleep. I think for the first 5
mins I cried, finally being able to hold her after 5 days. Even though I am completely tone deaf, I sang to her and just watched her sleep.
I don't even know how long it was that I held her but it doesn't matter. It is one of my best treasured moments. Whatever it is, I hope everyone has a treasured moment in life even if it is just one.
Seven months ago yesterday
Madelynn had her surgery and she has come a long way. It is a journey, I never thought I was strong enough to travel, I would never wish on anyone, but I believe she has made me a better person because of it.