I have not had the pure privilege to have met you yet but I already know I will love you to pieces, when that day comes. You see my sweet angel, your very blessed mother is my BEST friend.
About 23 years ago almost to the day I met your mother as we were entering high school as freshmen. Because our last names were close we always sat near each other. I remember going to school dances, eating lunch together, when she got a job going to visit her there. She actually helped me get my first job.
We were college roommates until she decided to join the Navy. I was so heart-broken. I missed my friend all the time. College just wasn't the same without her. One thing I know about your mother is that she should have bought stock in hallmark. I have received more cards from her than humanly possible, for every reason and no reason at all. The only more shocking fact is that I still have EVERY ONE, boxes of them.
Your mother and I were born exactly a week apart. The first time I had to celebrate my birthday without her because she was in the Navy she sent your grandparents Janet and James to my work to deliver my gift. It is one of my favorite memories of your grandmother. I loved your grandmother she was so funny. She had such a quick wit about her that if you weren't paying attention you missed some of the best one liners.
When your grandmother was ill your mother called me so much. I didn't even know what to say to her to help ease her pain. When your grandmother passed away I could not get to your mother fast enough. I just wanted to be with her. I don't even know if I was any help to her I just wanted to be there. Don't worry your mother has a LONG memory and she will tell you all about your amazing grandmother.
Even more amazing though, is your mother. She told me that one of her best birthday presents was the day you were conceived. I was pregnant with my third child before we knew you were coming in to this world. I could not understand why I would be blessed with a another child when I knew how much your mother wanted to be a mother. Your mother was very happy for us but my heart hurt for her. I wished with my whole heart for your mother to have a child. Some nights I even cried about it.
The one thing I forgot is that God's timing is perfect. Not only did He provide you with one of the best mother's on the planet, your pure existence filled her heart. When your mother had complications while she was carrying you, I was really scared. You were born premature and I was worried. I called your mother all the time checking on you and her. Then one day it hit me again. "God's timing is perfect" and I suddenly just knew you would be just fine.
So my sweet girl, I hope you find the best friend in your mother that I did. I hope you learn to treasure every minute with her. I hope you find the stellar woman in her that I did. I hope the celebration of the rest of your birthday's is as sweet as the first.
Hoping to meet you soon and cover you in hugs and kisses.
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