A few years ago I was outside "mowing" Phil's head as I like to call it and two of the neighbor boys came up to me and asked if I would "mow" there heads too. After getting permission from there parents a crowd developed. Then one of the fathers asked if I would do his too. It was kind of a fun night and the birds had a field day the next morning for all the free nesting materials.
Since that day I have always "mowed" Phil's head. One night our new neighbors saw us from over the fence the man was looking at me and shaking his head. I am sure he was thinking 'never in a million years would I let my wife come anywhere near my head with clippers'. His wife on the other hand liked my "skilz", as she called it.

Anyway tonight I needed to open the barber shop back up, Phil was looking pretty rough around the edges. All the sudden Jack says, "Mommy shave my head". I just looked at Phil with big eyes waiting for a response from him. Since it was summer and hot, we agreed. So out came the clippers on Jack-Jack's head. We have a before and after photo. I think he looks really cute with his buzzed head. Not too mention it saves me on hair cuts.

I also included a photo of my two men together. As fast and as thick as Jack's hair is this style may stick around for him for a while. Enjoy the photos.

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