Because we have been having problems with Jack a therapist suggested we make notes about everything Jack comments about and take it to Jack's physical next month. Little weird things like Jack for about a week had a bloody nose almost everyday. Jack also complained about his feet hurting. For kids Jack's age they are still learning to communicate. So every little comment counts
Phil and I immediately thought that Jack is going to have flat feet. Phil has flat feet, according to the podiatrist the "flattest feet he has every seen in his professional career" (YIKES). Also the reason Phil was not accepted in the military. Anyway, a few weeks later Jack came home from school and the side of his shoe was torn open. It looked like a side wall blow out. Jack is a rough little boy and I just figured he did it on the play ground.
I forgot about a pair of tennis shoes under Jack's dresser. We tried them on and they appeared to fit okay. A few days later, he told me he really did not like them and asked if he could have new ones. So I took him Sunday with some of my garage sale earnings and bought him new shoes. While Katie and I were looking for the replacement pair of broken flip flops from Friday, Phil was in the boys shoes helping Jack pick out new shoes.
By the time we were ready to leave the shoes section, we had Optimus Prime sneakers and some sparkly flip flops. What stunned me the most was that the new sneakers were size 12. The shoes at home were size 10.5. NO WONDER HIS FEET HURT!!!!!! I felt so bad...........
Later Sunday night I walked out of the bonus room and saw him sleeping in his bed. He looked so long like he had grown a half a foot over night. I am not sad about him becoming a "big boy". I am very excited for him. The last year has been really rough on him and I feel like slowly he is coming out of it and I get to see this great, very funny little boy. Hopefully he doesn't think I am a terrible mom for cramming his feet in his shoes for too long. I swear I am not trying to keep him little forever.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Garbage Collector
As we watch our children grow, so many thoughts go through our minds. We worry everyday if we are making the right decisions for them. We also wonder what they will want to be when they grow up. It was funny when Katie had her per-school graduation, this year, on the school program it said when she grows up she wants to be a cheerleader. I just laughed.
I think I discovered today what Miss Madelynn is going to be too. I was on the computer, which is now in the corner of my living room. I heard her coming up behind me but I was not prepared for what I saw, when I turned around. She was WALKING, pushing my small trash can around. Granted it was assisted walking, but when I put her in the middle of the room........she pushed the trash can walking behind it. She will be a year old in about 2 weeks.
Phil and I joked that she would be a garbage collector as an adult since it is a trash can that gave her, her start in walking. You have to be careful too, she's really fast with it. It's a good thing I emptied it yesterday. It was nice too because Phil's mom has been visiting and she was able to see it for herself.
Have a great week.
I think I discovered today what Miss Madelynn is going to be too. I was on the computer, which is now in the corner of my living room. I heard her coming up behind me but I was not prepared for what I saw, when I turned around. She was WALKING, pushing my small trash can around. Granted it was assisted walking, but when I put her in the middle of the room........she pushed the trash can walking behind it. She will be a year old in about 2 weeks.
Phil and I joked that she would be a garbage collector as an adult since it is a trash can that gave her, her start in walking. You have to be careful too, she's really fast with it. It's a good thing I emptied it yesterday. It was nice too because Phil's mom has been visiting and she was able to see it for herself.
Have a great week.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
".....broke her......"
They last two to three days I have been totally swallowed by the preparations of our garage sale. We had four different families going in together so it takes a little time to get everything together. Making sure everyone used different price tag colors, getting enough tables, posting an ad, etc......
I had to work Friday and had a ton of work to do there but my mind was on the garage sale. I was constantly writing on a piece of paper what I need to do when I got off work. About 12 pm my cell phone rings. I look down at it and it is the daycare. In about 10 seconds my mind races to what happened to Maddie, does she have a fever, not keeping food down, the thoughts are endless.
I answer the phone and it is the mind then goes to what did Jack do and why is he in the office again. The director says, "During Water play mind goes to oh no what happen to Katie. Katie's class has water play every Friday. The school only calls if something serious happened. The next word that came out of her mouth was BROKE.
At this point, my heart is racing, I am trying to figure out how to get out of work because I just know I am going to the Urgent Care or ER. Then I hear her say...."her flip flop. She has no shoes to wear and will be barefoot when I pick her up."
I almost busted out laughing. After everything we have been through... I just assume the worst so that when it isn't I can cope with less. Why in the world did I need a phone call that her flip flop broke???? After I calmed down and thought about it. It really isn't a good idea for her to be barefoot in the school full of germs. So I quickly told the director she had socks in her cubby to make her wear them till I pick her up.
I would have been so upset had Katie been hurt...I was so glad she wasn't. Every time I thought about it the rest of the day I laughed.
On a separate note the garage sale was a pretty good. Not as good as in the past but Katie May can pick out a few new pair of flip flips and water shoes for school.
I had to work Friday and had a ton of work to do there but my mind was on the garage sale. I was constantly writing on a piece of paper what I need to do when I got off work. About 12 pm my cell phone rings. I look down at it and it is the daycare. In about 10 seconds my mind races to what happened to Maddie, does she have a fever, not keeping food down, the thoughts are endless.
I answer the phone and it is the mind then goes to what did Jack do and why is he in the office again. The director says, "During Water play mind goes to oh no what happen to Katie. Katie's class has water play every Friday. The school only calls if something serious happened. The next word that came out of her mouth was BROKE.
At this point, my heart is racing, I am trying to figure out how to get out of work because I just know I am going to the Urgent Care or ER. Then I hear her say...."her flip flop. She has no shoes to wear and will be barefoot when I pick her up."
I almost busted out laughing. After everything we have been through... I just assume the worst so that when it isn't I can cope with less. Why in the world did I need a phone call that her flip flop broke???? After I calmed down and thought about it. It really isn't a good idea for her to be barefoot in the school full of germs. So I quickly told the director she had socks in her cubby to make her wear them till I pick her up.
I would have been so upset had Katie been hurt...I was so glad she wasn't. Every time I thought about it the rest of the day I laughed.
On a separate note the garage sale was a pretty good. Not as good as in the past but Katie May can pick out a few new pair of flip flips and water shoes for school.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Where can you go in 764 miles............your favorite vacation spot, back home to see the family, spend a week with your best friend, all kinds of summer activities are just racing through your mind, the list is endless.................
What did I get for my 764 date this is the amount of miles I have travelled just taking kids to the doctors and picking up perscriptons. As part of my taxes, I have to record all of our travel for medical needs and never in my wildest dreams did I ever think it would be that much and the year is just half over.
My 764 miles included tears and disappointment when I would go to the doctor because Maddie wasn't eating, concerns from the doctors about her recovery. This road less travelled also included joy when she had gained 10oz in a week, or we left the doctors office and she was allowed to discontinue another medicine. If the road had to be built based on the emotional rollar coaster we have been on I would either be sea sick or throwing my hands up as if I were about to drop off the first hill of the Gemini at Cedar Point.
By the end of the year I expect the total miles to be close to 2000. What will I have gotten for my 2000 miles.....................................Three beautiful children that were meant to be mine..........and it will be my job to tell about the amazing journey we have been on and didn't even go anywhere. For those of you disappointed about not being able to do this or that due to the economy you are missing the journey right in front of you.
And although I hope never to experience part of this journey ever again I would not trade my 764 miles for anything or anyplace you might think is better.
What did I get for my 764 date this is the amount of miles I have travelled just taking kids to the doctors and picking up perscriptons. As part of my taxes, I have to record all of our travel for medical needs and never in my wildest dreams did I ever think it would be that much and the year is just half over.
My 764 miles included tears and disappointment when I would go to the doctor because Maddie wasn't eating, concerns from the doctors about her recovery. This road less travelled also included joy when she had gained 10oz in a week, or we left the doctors office and she was allowed to discontinue another medicine. If the road had to be built based on the emotional rollar coaster we have been on I would either be sea sick or throwing my hands up as if I were about to drop off the first hill of the Gemini at Cedar Point.
By the end of the year I expect the total miles to be close to 2000. What will I have gotten for my 2000 miles.....................................Three beautiful children that were meant to be mine..........and it will be my job to tell about the amazing journey we have been on and didn't even go anywhere. For those of you disappointed about not being able to do this or that due to the economy you are missing the journey right in front of you.
And although I hope never to experience part of this journey ever again I would not trade my 764 miles for anything or anyplace you might think is better.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Jack Jack

Well, Jack Jack officially turned four Monday. It seems like he has been three forever. Don't get me wrong I don't want him to grow up too fast. However, I am done with him being three. He is at an age now he is going to learn and discover so much I hope I don't miss too much of it.
I feel like we have been celebrating his birthday for days. We had a big party for him at home Saturday with the works. We grilled the main food and everyone else brought sides. It was a lot of work but it was so much fun.
Since I shaved his head he looks so much older. When Jack received his first haircut he went from being a baby to a little boy. He instantly grew up. Since I shaved his head it's like he went from being a little boy to next week he is going to ask to borrow the car. I just want to be there to watch and help him experience life.
Right now he is into Transformers. So he had Optimus Prime on his cake. We had Transformer everything including the sheets he finally passed out on after spending 4 hours swimming. Jack has been such a fun character to be around. If I could just get him to see that being the middle child isn't horrible and he is loved no less than the first born and the baby we would be in business.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Where have we been.....
The last seven days has been very busy.........Phil's mom arrived last Thursday and is staying with us for a while, his dad had a route down here and brought her down. It has been nice having a few extra hands. As some days are very hectic.
Last Friday, as Phil calls it he got neutered. Before Maddie was born we were using multiple forms of birth control and still got pregnant anyway. So we decided once we got a handle on Maddie's medical bills he would get "fixed". He really has been a trooper about everything and a sense of humor. We have joked about it a lot the last week or so...what else can you do.
I had Phil sleep in the recliner Friday night as it was the most comfortable place to be at the time. Feeling so bad for him I slept on the couch next to him just in case. So neither one of us got much sleep this weekend. Every chance I got I took a nap since we had extra hands with the kids. Phil is doing much better now and will go back to work Thursday. He is getting cabin fever and wanted to go back Wednesday but his boss called and checked on him and told him to come in Thursday.
Sunday we went to a surprise birthday party for my friend and Katie's god-mother Linda. She was very excited and we had a good time. A mutual friend had it at her house and she has a pool so the kids were able to go swimming too. Sunday night the kids were so exhausted, they passed out pretty quickly.
Poor Katie she woke up Monday morning and her right eye was swollen closed. We didn't know it at the time but could only assume she was having an allergic reaction to something. Since Phil was home I went to work and he took her to the doctor. The best thing they could tell us was to continue to give her the allergy medicine and once the swelling goes down we will probably see some type of puncture mark.
Well it took till Tuesday morning to finally see the puncture mark right below he eyebrow but she had an allergic reaction to a bug bite. She has always had a problem with this. When she gets mosquito bites they swell up to welts bigger than a quarter. The worse part about it was Monday morning..................
Maddie work up early Monday Phil fed her while I got in the shower and she fell back asleep in our bed. I got Katie out of bed and realized that there was something wrong with her eye. I took her in to our bedroom and turned on the ceiling like so I could get a good look at Katie's eye. Phil looks at Katie and starts making pirate sounds. I held back laughter and told him to cut it out. The next thing I know Maddie wakes up and sits up in our bed and it looks like the back of her head was styled with a grenade. I started laughing at that point and Phil made more pirate sounds and I lost control of the room. I gave up and when to go get Jack dressed.
Later that morning Phil took Katie to the doctor. He called me to tell me what we already knew, the allergic reaction. The doctor actually told Phil he could get a patch to go over her eye so she would not irritate it more. I thought Phil as going to fallout in the doctor's office. He said he almost made more pirate sounds but refrained. I am so glad I was not in the room with him. My laughter would not have been contained. Tonight Katie told Phil he was not allowed to sound like a pirate anymore because her eye was better.
Maddie also had her nutritionist visit last week and Maddie was 17lbs 2oz which was thrilling. She really is doing superb and we are very happy. I really do hope we are at the bottom of the hill and that this is all a memory. Due to a vacation schedule Maddie's PT had to do her therapy at the daycare Friday. She was really excited to see how quick and mobile Maddie was. She expects Maddie to walking in a few weeks. She is working a little bit on her speech therapy too.
Maddie qualifies for this assistance until she is three. However, I believe we will stop the therapy at the end of the year. Maddie really is doing so well. I believe all of this additional assistance is giving her a great start back on track. I believe that her spot should be filled by a child more in need. I just want to make sure she has no set backs before we stop it.
As you can tell on the go is an understatement. We will get back to a more normal schedule by the end of the week. But we will also be getting ready for Jack's birthday party. We will be celebrating Jack's birthday Saturday but he will not be four until Monday. I am really excited that he will be four. With all the difficulty he has been having, it will be fun just to have a day for him. Maybe it will help him.
Hoping your life has been a little less crazy and demanding...........TTFN
Last Friday, as Phil calls it he got neutered. Before Maddie was born we were using multiple forms of birth control and still got pregnant anyway. So we decided once we got a handle on Maddie's medical bills he would get "fixed". He really has been a trooper about everything and a sense of humor. We have joked about it a lot the last week or so...what else can you do.
I had Phil sleep in the recliner Friday night as it was the most comfortable place to be at the time. Feeling so bad for him I slept on the couch next to him just in case. So neither one of us got much sleep this weekend. Every chance I got I took a nap since we had extra hands with the kids. Phil is doing much better now and will go back to work Thursday. He is getting cabin fever and wanted to go back Wednesday but his boss called and checked on him and told him to come in Thursday.
Sunday we went to a surprise birthday party for my friend and Katie's god-mother Linda. She was very excited and we had a good time. A mutual friend had it at her house and she has a pool so the kids were able to go swimming too. Sunday night the kids were so exhausted, they passed out pretty quickly.
Poor Katie she woke up Monday morning and her right eye was swollen closed. We didn't know it at the time but could only assume she was having an allergic reaction to something. Since Phil was home I went to work and he took her to the doctor. The best thing they could tell us was to continue to give her the allergy medicine and once the swelling goes down we will probably see some type of puncture mark.
Well it took till Tuesday morning to finally see the puncture mark right below he eyebrow but she had an allergic reaction to a bug bite. She has always had a problem with this. When she gets mosquito bites they swell up to welts bigger than a quarter. The worse part about it was Monday morning..................
Maddie work up early Monday Phil fed her while I got in the shower and she fell back asleep in our bed. I got Katie out of bed and realized that there was something wrong with her eye. I took her in to our bedroom and turned on the ceiling like so I could get a good look at Katie's eye. Phil looks at Katie and starts making pirate sounds. I held back laughter and told him to cut it out. The next thing I know Maddie wakes up and sits up in our bed and it looks like the back of her head was styled with a grenade. I started laughing at that point and Phil made more pirate sounds and I lost control of the room. I gave up and when to go get Jack dressed.
Later that morning Phil took Katie to the doctor. He called me to tell me what we already knew, the allergic reaction. The doctor actually told Phil he could get a patch to go over her eye so she would not irritate it more. I thought Phil as going to fallout in the doctor's office. He said he almost made more pirate sounds but refrained. I am so glad I was not in the room with him. My laughter would not have been contained. Tonight Katie told Phil he was not allowed to sound like a pirate anymore because her eye was better.
Maddie also had her nutritionist visit last week and Maddie was 17lbs 2oz which was thrilling. She really is doing superb and we are very happy. I really do hope we are at the bottom of the hill and that this is all a memory. Due to a vacation schedule Maddie's PT had to do her therapy at the daycare Friday. She was really excited to see how quick and mobile Maddie was. She expects Maddie to walking in a few weeks. She is working a little bit on her speech therapy too.
Maddie qualifies for this assistance until she is three. However, I believe we will stop the therapy at the end of the year. Maddie really is doing so well. I believe all of this additional assistance is giving her a great start back on track. I believe that her spot should be filled by a child more in need. I just want to make sure she has no set backs before we stop it.
As you can tell on the go is an understatement. We will get back to a more normal schedule by the end of the week. But we will also be getting ready for Jack's birthday party. We will be celebrating Jack's birthday Saturday but he will not be four until Monday. I am really excited that he will be four. With all the difficulty he has been having, it will be fun just to have a day for him. Maybe it will help him.
Hoping your life has been a little less crazy and demanding...........TTFN
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The barber shop is now open.....
A few years ago I was outside "mowing" Phil's head as I like to call it and two of the neighbor boys came up to me and asked if I would "mow" there heads too. After getting permission from there parents a crowd developed. Then one of the fathers asked if I would do his too. It was kind of a fun night and the birds had a field day the next morning for all the free nesting materials.
Since that day I have always "mowed" Phil's head. One night our new neighbors saw us from over the fence the man was looking at me and shaking his head. I am sure he was thinking 'never in a million years would I let my wife come anywhere near my head with clippers'. His wife on the other hand liked my "skilz", as she called it.

Anyway tonight I needed to open the barber shop back up, Phil was looking pretty rough around the edges. All the sudden Jack says, "Mommy shave my head". I just looked at Phil with big eyes waiting for a response from him. Since it was summer and hot, we agreed. So out came the clippers on Jack-Jack's head. We have a before and after photo. I think he looks really cute with his buzzed head. Not too mention it saves me on hair cuts.

I also included a photo of my two men together. As fast and as thick as Jack's hair is this style may stick around for him for a while. Enjoy the photos.

Sunday, July 5, 2009
4th of July
We had no plans for the 4th of July. I was talking to Katie's god-mother, Linda and made plans for Katie to send a few hours over there. Sometimes a little brother can be too much. So when Katie needs a break and wants one on one attention I sometimes can not give her, she spends a few hours with Linda. It is really great because she only lives 3 miles away.
After an hour or two Linda called me asked if she could take Katie swimming at a friend of hers house. I know the friend we met them through Ray and Linda. After a few phone conversations it turned into the whole family spending the day at the friends pool. It was a great afternoon. It has been great for Jack, the water is very calming for him. I have been working with him so he is not afraid.
Because we spent the whole afternoon swimming and the only one who napped was Maddie we decided not to go to a firework show. Maybe as they get older we can find a great place to go other than uptown Charlotte. We'll see. Enjoy the photos the kids had a great day and Phil was able to relax.
After an hour or two Linda called me asked if she could take Katie swimming at a friend of hers house. I know the friend we met them through Ray and Linda. After a few phone conversations it turned into the whole family spending the day at the friends pool. It was a great afternoon. It has been great for Jack, the water is very calming for him. I have been working with him so he is not afraid.
Because we spent the whole afternoon swimming and the only one who napped was Maddie we decided not to go to a firework show. Maybe as they get older we can find a great place to go other than uptown Charlotte. We'll see. Enjoy the photos the kids had a great day and Phil was able to relax.
Friday, July 3, 2009
A little update
As the family visit has now come to a close I finally had a chance to pick up my disk from my dad of everyone's photos. I have posted just the family photo and the baptism. There are so many more I need a few more days to get through the rest. Enjoy what is out there so far.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Coming full circle..........
We have just been through some of the craziest days. The family came down for an annual visit that also correlated with Madelynn's baptism. My sister and her husband and three girls, my brother, my grandmother, my parents, and Phil's sister and her mother, made for some busy times. I was hoping to have photos to share but I have not picked up my disk from my dad yet.
So I'll just tell you the story and share the photos later. About 10 days after Madelynn had her open-heart surgery she was to be baptized. I had to post-pone it. I did not want Madelynn to be baptized at the hospital unless her situation turned grim. Fortunately that never happened. Not saying that the up and down days weren't some of the toughest days I have ever travelled. Each day Madelynn grew stronger and stronger.
There were times, like when I had to take Madelynn back to the hospital in December, twice, again in January. Her weight gain was a huge problem and there were days I just cried because I knew what she was eating was not enough. However I never gave up. The days she didn't want to eat I would sing to her and the next thing she knew she had emptied the bottle. I watched therapy as it happened every week so that I could work with her on those things until the therapist came back.
On a day to day basis the Lord has to regularly teach me patience. The one thing he has never had to teach me is persistence. A little over six months ago Madelynn could not hold her head up, she was 5 months old. Our case worker that oversees Madelynn's therapy was very worried. At that time she also hooked us up with the nutritionist.
To date Madelynn weighs 16 lbs 14.5oz. This is a six lb gain in less than 6 mos. I am sure that that is below normal standards but for her it is great strides. I still take her for regular weight checks. Madelynn also sits up, crawls, stands and holds on to things to walk. She is still weak in the walking area but she won't be a year old for another 5 weeks.
I feel like Madelynn's baptism was one part of her life coming to an end and another one just beginning. When we arrived at the church for the baptism we did not know it would be in the chapel instead of the church. So we sat in a hallway near the chapel also near the perpetual prayer room. The perpetual prayer room that is always open.
After the children were settled and just waiting, I decided to walk in the prayer room for just a few minutes alone before everything started. As soon as I walked in the room tears just rolled down my face. There were no words that would come to mind to say, I just cried. I was so grateful I had reached this day I didn't know what to say. Even when the priest asked what we ask for Madelynn Rose, I could barely get the words out.
If you saw Madelynn today and did not know her story you would never know what she has been through. I believe she is ready for the next step in her journey. I believe she will thrive at it. I believe she will continue to show people, other than myself, just how truly strong and courageous she is. I believe I will watch her for the rest of her life fight for what she wants and she will prevail. I believe, as her mother, she will always know she was a precious gift and it will not be wasted or taken for granted.
Back in January, I listen to a family therapist talk about parents like me who have huge burdens to carry for there children and it will not be easy. Then she said something else...don't ever forget you were chosen to do this.....At that point in the meeting I just kept writing the word chosen on paper. When I got home, after having a melt down in the car that I didn't believe it should be me, I looked up the definition of the word chosen. To select from a number of possibilities. Of all the parents in the world especially those who pray, hope and beg for children He chose us. I hope I never let Him down.
So I'll just tell you the story and share the photos later. About 10 days after Madelynn had her open-heart surgery she was to be baptized. I had to post-pone it. I did not want Madelynn to be baptized at the hospital unless her situation turned grim. Fortunately that never happened. Not saying that the up and down days weren't some of the toughest days I have ever travelled. Each day Madelynn grew stronger and stronger.
There were times, like when I had to take Madelynn back to the hospital in December, twice, again in January. Her weight gain was a huge problem and there were days I just cried because I knew what she was eating was not enough. However I never gave up. The days she didn't want to eat I would sing to her and the next thing she knew she had emptied the bottle. I watched therapy as it happened every week so that I could work with her on those things until the therapist came back.
On a day to day basis the Lord has to regularly teach me patience. The one thing he has never had to teach me is persistence. A little over six months ago Madelynn could not hold her head up, she was 5 months old. Our case worker that oversees Madelynn's therapy was very worried. At that time she also hooked us up with the nutritionist.
To date Madelynn weighs 16 lbs 14.5oz. This is a six lb gain in less than 6 mos. I am sure that that is below normal standards but for her it is great strides. I still take her for regular weight checks. Madelynn also sits up, crawls, stands and holds on to things to walk. She is still weak in the walking area but she won't be a year old for another 5 weeks.
I feel like Madelynn's baptism was one part of her life coming to an end and another one just beginning. When we arrived at the church for the baptism we did not know it would be in the chapel instead of the church. So we sat in a hallway near the chapel also near the perpetual prayer room. The perpetual prayer room that is always open.
After the children were settled and just waiting, I decided to walk in the prayer room for just a few minutes alone before everything started. As soon as I walked in the room tears just rolled down my face. There were no words that would come to mind to say, I just cried. I was so grateful I had reached this day I didn't know what to say. Even when the priest asked what we ask for Madelynn Rose, I could barely get the words out.
If you saw Madelynn today and did not know her story you would never know what she has been through. I believe she is ready for the next step in her journey. I believe she will thrive at it. I believe she will continue to show people, other than myself, just how truly strong and courageous she is. I believe I will watch her for the rest of her life fight for what she wants and she will prevail. I believe, as her mother, she will always know she was a precious gift and it will not be wasted or taken for granted.
Back in January, I listen to a family therapist talk about parents like me who have huge burdens to carry for there children and it will not be easy. Then she said something else...don't ever forget you were chosen to do this.....At that point in the meeting I just kept writing the word chosen on paper. When I got home, after having a melt down in the car that I didn't believe it should be me, I looked up the definition of the word chosen. To select from a number of possibilities. Of all the parents in the world especially those who pray, hope and beg for children He chose us. I hope I never let Him down.
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