Trying to find a happy medium is becoming more and more difficult. Just about the time I feel like I am turning in to Hitler's sister I realize my life is funnier than any sitcom on TV. The last two weeks have been really difficult with Katie and Jack. If one of them has a good day at school the other needed to be sent to the directors office at least once. I have been coming down on them really hard. Phil kept saying I was too easy on them and I was afraid controlling them would get too far away from me.
Every time one of them got in trouble they would be in time out. That wasn't working so the TV would go off, then they weren't allowed to talk in time out. They were telling me I am a mean mommy. Which later when you see them sleeping breaks your heart because you only remember they said you were a mean mommy. And yes you want to cry.
Well last weekend, lots was going on. Friday night was grocery day so the kids stayed with Heather and Phil and I spent two hours running errands and getting our two week supply of groceries. Saturday, I had to go to work for a few hours, tigger had to go to the vet so he could go to his new home, I had to take him too his new home. We were just going going gone. It was 7pm before one of us sat down to breathe. Sunday morning we spread out the kids and went to the Panthers Game.
Well Katie and Jack had had enough and were desperate for our attention they became really unruly. I was so embarrassed when we got home from the game. I almost regretted going to the game because they needed me. I have always heard don't stop raising your kids even for a minute. They have to be reminded especially now who is in charge and what the rules are. When we got home from the game we were told Katie wrote all over my newly painted walls.
The sitter was so upset. She thought we would blame her that it happened. I told her that it was my fault. She was reaching out for attention and I wasn't there for her. I explained to Katie how sad she made me. She just looked at me and said she missed me. Yes I felt like dirt. Well Monday Phil was told by Jack's teacher I shouldn't be so hard on Jack and cut him a little slack. So now I was sure I was turning into Hitler's sister.
Monday evening Phil had to work late. So here I am home with Katie, Jack and Maddie. Cooking dinner trying to get it done and on the table before Maddie needs to eat again. Maddie's hanging out in her swing and Katie and Jack are playing but not in my line of sight. I start talking to them just so I know everything is okay. I ask Katie what she is doing. Mind you my hands are full of dinner. She says writing my name. My mind instantly starts racing....I put all the pencils up, did she get a marker, am I going to have to spank her, is she writing on my wall...mind you only about 10 secs have gone by and I ask her with what. She very plainly says a cucumber.
Yes a cucumber. She wanted to practice writing her name and I did in fact put all the writing utensils up after the Sunday artistry. She could only find a plastic cucumber from her Kitchen to practice writing her name. I still can't stop laughing about. There have been very few times my children have stopped me in my tracks with their comments. I try to anticipate their answers before I ask the question but I was truly not ready for that.
Needless to say we got out the pencil and writing paper after dinner and we practiced her letter of the week. Phil also always claims I worry too much so Monday night I stopped worrying for a little while and put it on the shelf till Tuesday Morning. Think of Katie the next time you eat a cucumber and I am sure you will laugh.
Happy Friday!!!! TTFN
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