Friday, October 17, 2008

boo-bear, buddy and peanut

Every parent creates nicknames for their child even if it is by accident. So, Katie is boo-bear, Jack is buddy and Maddie is peanut. This week has been pretty exhausting both physically and emotionally but it also has included lots of laughs that I must share a few.

Maddie had her 2 month checkup this week and she is truly thriving. She is now 10 lbs 13 oz and 23 inches long. She is doing very well eating and sleeping. The best part is the smiling. I love to see her smile. And of all things, our 10 week little girl already has a tooth coming in. I will try to get a photo. We decided to save a trip to the Dr and take Katie and Jack to get their flu shots. I was so afraid of this visit. Taking three small children to the Dr's office where they can't touch anything and they have to sit still. So not possible. Luckily, Phil came along to help control our box of puppies.

The Dr's office had the flu mist instead which I was very excited about. No more holding children down. We had been spraying the kids noses with saline mist to help during allergy season and because the house is dry. Because of that, the flu mist did not phase them. I put them on the table waiting for the nurse to come back and explained how easy it would be. Jack looked at me and said, Look Mommy a "meep meep". Still having flu mist on the brain. I look at him and said, "what?".

He pointed up at the wall and said a meep meep. The only thing on that area of the wall was the fire emergency light. This is the light that when the fire alarm is pulled it lights up and makes a sound that goes meep meep meep.....October is safety month at school and they have been practicing fire drills. The school has the same type of fire lights. We all know how my little buddy doesn't miss much.

This morning we were getting ready for work and school. When the kids waking up they grab their clothes they have picked out from the night before and drag it all in our bedroom. Phil and I are usually running around like our hairs on fire and who is ever closest to the child helps them. So I am sitting on the bed feeding Peanut and Jack is trying to get dressed. I realize he has changed the outfit I picked out last night. He is now wearing green and navy shorts, with a red and gray mickey mouse t-shirt. I explained that he had to either change the shirt or change the shorts and I gave him choices as to what to change to. He says, "Okay Mommy I'll wear the Kak-a-lee's. Phil was brushing his teeth, peeked his head a round the corner, realized Kak-a-lee's were Khaki's and just shook his head.

I am getting such an education from Jack. The scary part is Katie is totally un-phased by his vocabulary. She understands it all. Katie has been doing very well in school. Working on her alphabet and trying to stay out of trouble. I went to pick them up this week and they were outside playing. As I was walking up to Katie she was hit in the mouth by another little girl. I got up to Katie just in time to grab her hand to keep it from connecting to the other little girls face. I had to explain to her that she can not hit back. The other little girl was punished. However this is the same little girl that scratched her face and caused the infection.

I am still stewing on how to handle that with the school. I know we have to pick our battles and I am not sure I am ready for this one. Part of the problem is the little girl is the child of one of Katie's teachers.

Over all everyone is doing very well. We are going to take a day trip to the mountains Sunday so hopefully I will have some great new photos to share soon.

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