Friday, October 31, 2008

Peanut's Progress

So many of you know only parts of the story I figured this was the best way to inform everyone and it might cut down on some of the phone calls because we are getting so many......

Oct 12th - I took Maddie to the Urgent care for a bad cough due to a cold. The doctor just to be safe took a chest x-ray to make sure there was no fluid in her lungs and there was not. However he noticed an abnormality in her heart and was sending the info to her pediatrician. We already had an up coming appt.

Oct 14th - We went to the pediatrician appt got her shots and we were told Maddie had a boot shaped heart and that we have a pediatric cardiologist appt set up for us.

We did a little research and Maddie had none of the serious symptoms and the cough she had was not a symptom so we just figured we would wait it out and not stress about things.

Oct 29th - We went to the pediatric cardiologist appt and were immeadiately admitted into the hospital for testing and preping for surgery the next day. Maddie has a "coartation of the aorta" and a very rare form of it. Needless to say she had open heart surgery to repair her heart. The surgery was about 6-7 hrs from start to finish. It was a very long day.

The doctor's did repair her heart and her prognosis is very good. Maddie was born with this, however no one found it before now. Most children born with this never leave the hospital until the heart is repaired. Medically Maddie should not be alive. This has been an amazing 48 hours.

When we got to the hospital today she was doing very well. After surgery Wednesday she had three IV's, tubes coming from everywhere. It was kind of scary. Today she has one IV in her foot, chest tube, trach tube in her mouth and IV in her hand. She looked much better.

We had a bit of a scare with her breathing today but it was under control and she was responding very well to us before we left to take Katie and Jack Trick or Treating (actually Mamaw and Aunt Jacque took them).

Over all Maddie is doing very well and we hope she will be out of the hospital sooner than later as long as Maddie is ready to resume her life. Katie and Jack know that Maddie's heart is not shapped like theirs and that the Doctor's had to fix it. Once Maddie get's into a a progressive care room Katie and Jack can see her.

As for Phil and I we are coping. Phil will be working Monday and seeing her as often as possible. Once Maddie gets to a certian point I will have to be with her all the time, until then I will be working to stay busy.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!! to Mike and Amy for just helping no questions asked, to Mamaw and Aunt Jacque for stepping in to help where ever needed and for all of you who added Maddie and our family to your prayer requests. We have a big immeadiate family and everyone was there for us and we very much appreciate it. We would have not made it through these last three days with out you.

I will post Maddie's progress as often as possible so that you can keep up and also to limit some of the phone calls. Please be patient if you do call we will call you back. It has been nice to know that all of you are out there. THANKS again for all the support.

There is one last request please pray for Dr. Alfred Kendrick. He is the pediatrician who works out of the Urgent Care we went to. Had it not been for his over cautiousness to do a chest xray to check for fluid in her lungs Maddie would not be here today. He saved her life.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sunday in the Fall

What to do on a Sunday in the Fall........Well we got up at 6:30am packed the kids for the day, it was 39 degrees when we left the house. We drove to Grandma and Grandpa Bacho's picked them up and the seven of us went to the mountains. We went to Stepp Farms in what is considered Apple Valley. It is a huge Orchard but they also had a small vineyard and pumpkin patch.

As we walked through the orchard trying to find the right apples for baking we ending up finding the stables and the horses were out in the field near the line of the orchard. We talked to the horses, fed them apples and made some new friends. The kids thought it was great they were about a foot from the horses.

After picking apples, Phil realized how close we were to Chimney Rock and wanted to eat our packed lunch near the river at the bottom of Chimney Rock. They have great little shops but they also have picnic tables near the river. The sky was so blue and cloudless it warmed up fast and made for a great lunch. The town was starting to really pick up and the kids still needed a nap so we left. Made it home before dinner. We had a great time. Enjoy the photos.

The Orchard

Friday, October 17, 2008

boo-bear, buddy and peanut

Every parent creates nicknames for their child even if it is by accident. So, Katie is boo-bear, Jack is buddy and Maddie is peanut. This week has been pretty exhausting both physically and emotionally but it also has included lots of laughs that I must share a few.

Maddie had her 2 month checkup this week and she is truly thriving. She is now 10 lbs 13 oz and 23 inches long. She is doing very well eating and sleeping. The best part is the smiling. I love to see her smile. And of all things, our 10 week little girl already has a tooth coming in. I will try to get a photo. We decided to save a trip to the Dr and take Katie and Jack to get their flu shots. I was so afraid of this visit. Taking three small children to the Dr's office where they can't touch anything and they have to sit still. So not possible. Luckily, Phil came along to help control our box of puppies.

The Dr's office had the flu mist instead which I was very excited about. No more holding children down. We had been spraying the kids noses with saline mist to help during allergy season and because the house is dry. Because of that, the flu mist did not phase them. I put them on the table waiting for the nurse to come back and explained how easy it would be. Jack looked at me and said, Look Mommy a "meep meep". Still having flu mist on the brain. I look at him and said, "what?".

He pointed up at the wall and said a meep meep. The only thing on that area of the wall was the fire emergency light. This is the light that when the fire alarm is pulled it lights up and makes a sound that goes meep meep meep.....October is safety month at school and they have been practicing fire drills. The school has the same type of fire lights. We all know how my little buddy doesn't miss much.

This morning we were getting ready for work and school. When the kids waking up they grab their clothes they have picked out from the night before and drag it all in our bedroom. Phil and I are usually running around like our hairs on fire and who is ever closest to the child helps them. So I am sitting on the bed feeding Peanut and Jack is trying to get dressed. I realize he has changed the outfit I picked out last night. He is now wearing green and navy shorts, with a red and gray mickey mouse t-shirt. I explained that he had to either change the shirt or change the shorts and I gave him choices as to what to change to. He says, "Okay Mommy I'll wear the Kak-a-lee's. Phil was brushing his teeth, peeked his head a round the corner, realized Kak-a-lee's were Khaki's and just shook his head.

I am getting such an education from Jack. The scary part is Katie is totally un-phased by his vocabulary. She understands it all. Katie has been doing very well in school. Working on her alphabet and trying to stay out of trouble. I went to pick them up this week and they were outside playing. As I was walking up to Katie she was hit in the mouth by another little girl. I got up to Katie just in time to grab her hand to keep it from connecting to the other little girls face. I had to explain to her that she can not hit back. The other little girl was punished. However this is the same little girl that scratched her face and caused the infection.

I am still stewing on how to handle that with the school. I know we have to pick our battles and I am not sure I am ready for this one. Part of the problem is the little girl is the child of one of Katie's teachers.

Over all everyone is doing very well. We are going to take a day trip to the mountains Sunday so hopefully I will have some great new photos to share soon.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Katie, Hitler and the Cucumber

Trying to find a happy medium is becoming more and more difficult. Just about the time I feel like I am turning in to Hitler's sister I realize my life is funnier than any sitcom on TV. The last two weeks have been really difficult with Katie and Jack. If one of them has a good day at school the other needed to be sent to the directors office at least once. I have been coming down on them really hard. Phil kept saying I was too easy on them and I was afraid controlling them would get too far away from me.

Every time one of them got in trouble they would be in time out. That wasn't working so the TV would go off, then they weren't allowed to talk in time out. They were telling me I am a mean mommy. Which later when you see them sleeping breaks your heart because you only remember they said you were a mean mommy. And yes you want to cry.

Well last weekend, lots was going on. Friday night was grocery day so the kids stayed with Heather and Phil and I spent two hours running errands and getting our two week supply of groceries. Saturday, I had to go to work for a few hours, tigger had to go to the vet so he could go to his new home, I had to take him too his new home. We were just going going gone. It was 7pm before one of us sat down to breathe. Sunday morning we spread out the kids and went to the Panthers Game.

Well Katie and Jack had had enough and were desperate for our attention they became really unruly. I was so embarrassed when we got home from the game. I almost regretted going to the game because they needed me. I have always heard don't stop raising your kids even for a minute. They have to be reminded especially now who is in charge and what the rules are. When we got home from the game we were told Katie wrote all over my newly painted walls.

The sitter was so upset. She thought we would blame her that it happened. I told her that it was my fault. She was reaching out for attention and I wasn't there for her. I explained to Katie how sad she made me. She just looked at me and said she missed me. Yes I felt like dirt. Well Monday Phil was told by Jack's teacher I shouldn't be so hard on Jack and cut him a little slack. So now I was sure I was turning into Hitler's sister.

Monday evening Phil had to work late. So here I am home with Katie, Jack and Maddie. Cooking dinner trying to get it done and on the table before Maddie needs to eat again. Maddie's hanging out in her swing and Katie and Jack are playing but not in my line of sight. I start talking to them just so I know everything is okay. I ask Katie what she is doing. Mind you my hands are full of dinner. She says writing my name. My mind instantly starts racing....I put all the pencils up, did she get a marker, am I going to have to spank her, is she writing on my wall...mind you only about 10 secs have gone by and I ask her with what. She very plainly says a cucumber.

Yes a cucumber. She wanted to practice writing her name and I did in fact put all the writing utensils up after the Sunday artistry. She could only find a plastic cucumber from her Kitchen to practice writing her name. I still can't stop laughing about. There have been very few times my children have stopped me in my tracks with their comments. I try to anticipate their answers before I ask the question but I was truly not ready for that.

Needless to say we got out the pencil and writing paper after dinner and we practiced her letter of the week. Phil also always claims I worry too much so Monday night I stopped worrying for a little while and put it on the shelf till Tuesday Morning. Think of Katie the next time you eat a cucumber and I am sure you will laugh.

Happy Friday!!!! TTFN

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Still Going........

What we do in our day to day life just seems normal to me........busy but normal. Until I hear, "Honey, I don't know how you do it"..............Some days I don't know how I do it either. I suppose that is why I only enter a blog and some new photos once a week to ten days. So here is how I have been doing it lately.

We officially only have one pet. Our dog Lady. She is 10 years old. Phil and I have had since before we got married. We have had her since she was 6 weeks old. Tigger the last of the cats went to his new home this past Saturday. I have heard from Tigger's new family and they said he is slowly adjusting but hiding a lot. I hope adjusts well because they are very excited to have him.

Katie was a star student this past Monday. If she meets the daily requirements of the class she gets a prize from the treasure box. This was the first time she has achieved this since the program started a few weeks ago. This is very positive for us because we were able to make a big deal about it at home. It also lets us know that she is adjusting well to Madelynn. I worry about that some days, I don't want her to feel lost.

Jack has been doing much better. He went through a period of accidents at nap (at school) which have stopped. His teachers had problems with him misbehaving, not listening and talking back. They still can not get over how smart he is. They suggested that I start teaching him at home the things that Katie is learning just in smaller doses. So this week, I started with the letters of his name (just Jack). He wrote his name. I can only work with him about 5 mins and then he will go play and I can work with Katie. But it is enough time for him where he is learning something that interests him and he asks me if we can practice everyday. It helps control is behavior. I don't know if three year olds are supposed to know how to write their name. I know he can spell it and type it on the computer too.

I found a web page for teachers that has great projects and printables for coloring. I printed off a page to color and a light project. I had to work a few hours this past Saturday and it left Phil with all three kids. So I prepared the coloring page and fall tree project and the kids loved it. It was simple gluing and coloring but it was great, I just have to do a little more research on Jack's behalf so I can challenge him at home. I have been really hard on Jack lately because I need to make sure he understands that I am in charge not him. Apparently, the teachers have noticed because one of his teachers talked to Phil yesterday and me today and asked me not to be so hard on him. So, now I have to try and find that happy medium that he knows I am in charge but he is allowed to make mistakes too.

As for Madelynn, she is doing superb. They love her at school. They wished all the babies were like her. I always hear that she is never any trouble. You know if she is anything like me it won't last long. She has really discovered her family and the regular caregivers at the school. She is instant smiles and she is cooing alot. She about kills herself to follow mine and Phil's voices. She has a doctor's appointment next week for her two month check up and some shots. We'll see how she is growing then. She is still sleeping through the night (praise God for small favors). She falls asleep about 7pm we wake her between 9 and 10 to feed her and she will sleep till 5 or 5:30. On the weekends if I feed her around 5 she will sleep till 8 or 9. So yes we are very lucky. I am not sure how long it will last but I am enjoying it now.

This past weekend Phil and I were very fortunate to get some free tickets to the Carolina Panthers game. So we arranged for Maddie to go to Grandma's and Katie and Jack stayed home with Heather. She is becoming their regular sitter and they really like her. We just have to work on Katie and Jack walking all over her. One of Phil's friend and co-worker was able to get some free tickets so the four of us, Louis, his wife, Phil and I, went. It was a great time to have some grown up time. Sometimes those days are few and far between.

But yes we are still going. Some days at lightening fast speeds. But we are still going. At the rate things are going it will be weeks before it slows down just a little bit. I treasure those days. hope everyone is well. TTFN