Monday, July 21, 2014

Staying Grounded.............

Today was not what I had planned. I realize Mondays usually aren't but this was a little more than I had planned. My day started out with the girls refusing to get up and arriving to work 30 minutes late. I walked them over to camp and on my way back to the office I got stuck in a rain storm with no umbrella and my office was about 20 degrees. About 12:30 I realized I should have left work 15 minutes prior to pick Jack up from his camp stop. I made arrangements for my friend to meet him and keep him for the 10 minutes I would be late.

It was pouring down rain and Jack did not see my car or my friend so he had the bus driver call me on my cell. I told them the plan and they hung up. I then get a call that my friend she watched the bus pull up and Jack did not get off and she had no idea where he was. I am driving down a busy six lane road, it is raining small children, I suddenly have NO idea where my son is and no one can tell me.

I called the camp and as sanely as possible demanded they find my son immediately. While on hold, that seemed like an eternity, but was probably about 7 minutes; they found him and dropped at his stop. I then called the highest person on the food chain and asked them why it is acceptable for them to break protocol without my permission with my child. I have never heard so many apologies and was promised it would NEVER happen again.

So I am back at work trudging through fiscal year-end reports and suddenly realize 5 minutes ago I was supposed to be across the parking lot to pick the girls up. I was suppose to leave the office at 3 and left at 4:30 with 3 exhausted kids and one Mama wanting a very strong drink. Instead I finished dinner and walked/ran about 4 miles with my walking buddy. God knew it was what I needed because before I could text her she texted me. I felt 100 times better when we were done.

I logged on to facebook to see how things were going and suddenly felt so small. My day that seemed so overwhelming and out of control wasn't even a drop in the bucket compared to what I was reading. Families coping with sudden loss of loved ones, a mother posting her daughter, about Jack's age, had a heart attack from a multitude of heart issues, and another family posting about their child's upcoming second open heart surgery.

I have always heard "God will never give you more than you can handle." I handled today and am getting ready to go to bed so I can handle tomorrow. But these other families I can't possibly imagine the grief, fear and sorrow they must being feeling. Even in my worst moments my life was perfect. But it was only perfect because I had family, friends, prayer warriors and Good Samaritans who arrived and stepped in when we needed it most. We would have never survived with out them.

Some how God always knows how to keep us grounded and KEEP MOVING FORWARD.



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