For starters ask anyone......I look just like him.
So many people I know have had to bury their Dad, don't talk to their Dad or just don't know their Dad. I don't fall into any of these categories. Without my Dad I wouldn't be the person I am today.
He has a work ethic like I have never seen. He always made sure we went to church. Most of all he made sure we understood the importance of Family. I do remember times that he couldn't always be with us.....he was working. When it matters most he is always there.
He was there when I graduated kindergarten, elementary school, high school, and college.

He was there for paddle boat rides, canoe rides, roller coaster rides (I can't tell you how many coaster rides we went on).
He paced the floor in the hospital waiting to see Kaitlynn's face (his first grandchild/granddaughter). I remember the camera just clicking away but I also remember watching him hold her for the first time. He was such a proud Grandpa.

He bought Jackson his first baseball glove, spent all day putting a train table together and even when he shouldn't, the first one to go outside and play with the kids.
He talked and laughed with us as we waited ALL day....literally....for Madelynn to show her beautiful face. Although, Madelynn was not in our plan, but God's, he was just as excited to see her with his camera at the ready.

He sat in silence as the doctor's told us about Madelynn's open heart surgery the next morning. I know he and I talked that night but I don't remember much of what we talked about. I just remember he was there. I know he left that night, I don't remember when, except he was back early the next morning to see Madelynn one last time before surgery.
I can count on one hand the amount of Father's Day's we haven't been together. This weekend will be one of those few times. He is headed to a car show in Michigan and I will be headed to DC for Phil's niece's graduation. I have to admit I wish I were going to the car show with him. I have been there many times even took Phil once. When the weather is nice it is a GREAT day!!!
So to my DAD.....I remember the day that you walked me down the aisle. Right before we took the first step you reached over and kissed me on the cheek and told me that you loved me. It is a memory I will never forget. Thank you for all of the wonderful memories. I am sorry we won't be together today. I will be thinking of you today and hoping you have a GREAT day!

Happy Father's Day!! We love you!!
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