Shortly after Kaitlynn's field trip to the Zoo, Jack had his field trip to the Lazy 5 Ranch. Travelling with about 100+ kindergartners to a place to see animals talk about crazy times. It was lots of fun though.

Walking it to the animal area like you would see in the Zoo was this wild (but tame) peacock. The colors in the photo do not do it justice. It was beautiful. Listening to the boys as we walked around and freak out about being so close to the camel was very comical. But thinking about where these innocent little boys will be in 10 years......frightening.
As for me personally that day I received lots of compliments about Jack. Both the teacher and the assistant teacher were very impressed with him. They talked about the good choices he has been making recently and they were very impressed with his progress. I very much worried about Jack as he entered kindergarten, he turned 5 four weeks before school started, one of the youngest in the class. I had always wondered if Phil and I made the wrong choice. After the field trip I was assured it was the right choice.
I am not sure how it happens but Jack gets left out of things accidentally, too many times. I was VERY glad I was able to take the day off work and ride the bus with him to the ranch. As a family we had already been there. But that day, it was very nice to just be with him.
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