Labor Day Weekend

It has taken me a few days to get my bearings. All three kids are now in school and for the most part loving it. Madelynn's pre-school is loving her.....more on that later.
Over the Labor Day Weekend my family was in town for a fun filled weekend. Everyone finally arrived before dinner Friday afternoon. Phil had to work late so Kaitlynn, Jackson, Madelynn and I invaded my parent's house for the initial meeting of the weekend. All of the grand kids just jumped right in and started playing.
Earlier this summer I was feeling bad that I could not take Kaitlynn on her summer trip until late in the summer. However it proved to be the best thing. Kaitlynn, Ruthie, Anna, Lily and Madelynn all had a weekend to play when we went to Mason. When the girls all got back together this weekend it was as if we never left. Jack just had to find his own way in to this girls club to get along.
Saturday we took the family to the Rec Center Water Park with a free pass. It was a great time and lots of smiles all around. Not to mention a few hundred pictures were taken. Sunday Morning we all met for the Family picture. Amazingly enough it only took 30 minutes to get all 7 adults and 6 children (6 years and under) to smile and/or be looking at the camera.
We all wish visits with family could be longer but Monday early morning The Schmeichel's and Ted headed back to Ohio to get back to work and for the girls to start school. It was a good time to be had by all and a great way to end the summer. While they were all traveling Phil, the kids and I decided to find out if we could find the yard.
Over the summer it was simply too hot to work on some of it or too difficult for me to do, and keep an eye on the kids while Phil was working. I carefully planned the yard when I planted it, (years ago) that something is blooming in the yard all year round. It is spread out through the yard so that I only have to maintain certain flower beds at a time. This is the time of year that I clean out all the summer ones, cut all the spring ones back so they will be ready and make sure nothing is choking back to winter ones to bloom.
We were exhausted and the next day 5:30am came very early. Getting myself and three children ready for work and school is quite a circus act. Phil is usually walking out the door before the kids are awake. It has taken me a few days to get my bearings. Phil has helped with some of the meals and the dishes. It was funny I fell asleep for a power nap while he was cooking dinner and was suddenly awakened by Madelynn tapping me saying "Soups on Mommy".
Attached are a few pictures from the weekend. It was exhausting but lots of fun. Can't wait till Christmas.

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