Happy Birthday Madelynn!!!!!

My Dearest Sweet Madelynn,
Today we have reached a milestone. Today you are two years old. You have come so far and shown everyone what a fighter you are. You have reached goals better and faster than most ever thought you would. To see you today I am a very proud mother of a very strong, amazing little girl.
Today is a bittersweet day as I still worry what the doctor will say when we see him later. While swimming your lips turn blue which could mean lack of oxygen or that your heart is struggling. We were supposed to see your cardiologist the 18th of this month, for your annual visit. It was very quickly moved up. The only appointment available was your birthday.
But I have prepared for today. I have been reminded that you are my gift from God and He has big plans for you no matter how long or short your life is. I just have to trust that what ever the challenge that is laid before us; I have already been given the tools to take it on. I am not going to lie I am terrified to take you to the doctor today. I just don't want to be walked to the hospital from the cardiologist office again and not make it home for days.
So my hope for today is that after the appointment we head home to start your Birthday Bash. I hope for lots of smiles, silly shenanigans, and splashing at the water park to fill the weekend. I hope for lots and OOHS and AAHS as you open your presents. Most importantly I hope at the end of the day I am tucking you in your own bed, giving you hugs and kisses and watching you drift off to slumber at home.
Wishing you a wonderful day......
All my love,
1 comment:
Happy 2nd Birthday Maddie, can't wait to watch you open your presents tomorrow. Love - Grandma B
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