Even thought Kaitlynn had to start school last week, it didn't feel like summer was officially over until today. Tomorrow, Jackson will start Kindergarten. Thinking about the second half of our summer I don't think the kids could have really had it any better.
In the third week of July as we celebrated Jack's 5th birthday, Kaitlynn and Jackson spent a week at Camp Gabe and Loved It! Some of the friends Kaitlynn made at VBS were also and her camp week. She was ecstatic. Jack was able to have a little party with his camp friends plus a family party. I think we celebrated for a week.
Following Camp Gabe, Kaitlynn and Jackson discovered swimming lessons. We have spent so much time at the water park and they just love being in the water that I signed them up. Tonight I watched Kaitlynn swim one complete length of the pool without help or a life jacket. I am not sure who was more excited me or Kaitlynn.
At the end of July, I was able to do something I hadn't done in two years. Travel a great distance from home with Madelynn. There were several people who had not met Madelynn or had only seen her in pictures. I introduced her to her Great-Great Uncle and his wife, she was able to see Grandma Angie again and she met my mom's step dad for the first time, who I fondly call Grandpa.
During this visit I also went to my 20 year school reunion, WOW have things changed but yet the important things stayed the same. You see I made this trip with my best friend, we met the first day of high school and we walked back into those halls 20 years later together. She also brought her two year old daughter. Talk about funny times. Madelynn and Isabelle became fast friends it was cute to watch.
Weeks after Jackson's birthday we celebrated Madelynn's 2nd Birthday. Phil's sister and her husband were able to come and visit to help celebrate along with my parents and some of our close friends. You know those friends the ones that when I needed to take Madelynn to the ER at midnight I could call and wake them up and they were at the house in seconds. Most days they are more like family. We are most grateful for them.
This year Phil and I also celebrated out 11th wedding anniversary. We were able to go to dinner and not worry about any of those kids things. We even went to a restaurant that had very few children in it. It was nice to be in an adult world even if it was just for a few hours.
Our last hoorah for the summer, I took Kaitlynn and Madelynn to Mason, OH to see their Aunt and Uncle (my sister and brother-in-law) and their three daughters. Holy Tons of Girls! Batman! it was crazy but fun. This trip however was just Kaitlynn, Madelynn and I. Phil took Jackson to see his sister and brother-in-law in DC.
As our summer came to a close Kaitlynn, Jackson and Madelynn were able to go to the Carolina Panther Stadium and meet Sir Purr. This trip was not what I expected but at the end of the day they were very excited about meeting Sir Purr and couldn't stop talking about when I was trying to put them to bed.
At the beginning of the Summer I had no idea how I would keep the three of them busy but under a budget. It was not done without an incredible amount of help from friends and family. The kids had a wonderful summer and we just wanted to take a minute to say THANK YOU for those that made it happen it did not go unnoticed.
Normally, I would not point anyone out but I have to give a huge THANK YOU to Ms. Amy. She took care of the kids on the days I had to work. She was always there when we needed her most. She has a huge heart and a very gentle soul to care for Kaitlynn, Jackson and Madelynn. We would have never made it through the craziest days with out her and her family. You truly are a Godsend and very much appreciated.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Carolina Panthers and LCK
Earlier today we had the opportunity to take the kids to the Carolina Panther Stadium for a tour and for the kids to meet and play some games with Sir Purr. This event was sponsored by LCK (Levine Cardiac Kids) and the kids had a ball.


We were in the group that met Sir Purr first and I had no idea what I was about to witness. Sir Purr comes roaring up on a four wheeler and the kids and parents are all cheering. All of the sudden Katie, Jack and Maddie are gone. Phil tells me they are hiding behind a sign. I find all three of them crouched in a corner sobbing.
They are afraid of Sir Purr.
I assured them that he would not harm them and went with them to stand in line to meet him. They were so afraid if they could have found a way to velcro their bodies to me they would have. Between the three of them every time I took a step it was like dragging an extra 100 lbs (Literally!!!). Maddie wanted nothing doing with the big black cat though. She wouldn't stand next to him for anything.

By the time it was our turn I had calmed them enough to meet him, hug him and stand long enough for a picture. Once they saw that the other children weren't afraid they relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the visit. I couldn't get them off the mini football field or to stop running.
After the visit with Sir Purr we were scheduled to tour the stadium. We had to cut it short as we had a mandatory meeting at church for Katie and Jack to meet their Faith Formation teachers. I was disappointed that Phil didn't get to tour the rest of the stadium but the kids had fun.

Overall it was a great day and hopefully one the kids won't soon forget. THANKS LCK!!! We had a great time.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Crashing with Sugar and Spice 2
So I am finally getting around to posting the rest of the pictures of the girls and the visit to Mason. The drive there was uneventful except for the nervousness of driving almost 500 miles without Phil and carrying the precious cargo of my girls.
Holy Cow!! when we arrived it took only a few minutes and there was giggling everywhere. Within minutes you couldn't see the floor in the playroom. It was really nice to see all of them playing together.
The girls were all able to go swimming together. Katie thought is was cool she was able to see Ruthie's school and Anna's first soccer practice and then Grandpa Bacho arrived....and without any question...camera in tow. He had just as many photos as I did he will have to post some too.
In the evenings Madelynn had a very difficult time getting to sleep. She is used to Daddy putting her to bed and Mommy just wasn't cutting it. Fearing I would keep the other four girls awake I brought her down to sleep in my lap as we watched a little TV. It took a little longer that usual because Grandpa Bacho was having too much fun making her smile.
We also were able to take all the girls to the zoo. Watching the Polar Bears swim and fight was interesting. I had never seen Polar Bears fight. It didn't last very long. Listening to Madelynn as we entered the Monkey Habitat or Kaitlynn's eyes as she looked at all the snakes was priceless.
It was a wonderful visit and we will definitely have to do it again. Kaitlynn asked if we could go there every year...which has promise. However, one of the best laughs I had was Monday morning as I was getting ready for work and Madelynn came in to my room she asked me where Uncle Dave was.
She will see Uncle Dave this weekend.
Holy Cow!! when we arrived it took only a few minutes and there was giggling everywhere. Within minutes you couldn't see the floor in the playroom. It was really nice to see all of them playing together.
The girls were all able to go swimming together. Katie thought is was cool she was able to see Ruthie's school and Anna's first soccer practice and then Grandpa Bacho arrived....and without any question...camera in tow. He had just as many photos as I did he will have to post some too.
In the evenings Madelynn had a very difficult time getting to sleep. She is used to Daddy putting her to bed and Mommy just wasn't cutting it. Fearing I would keep the other four girls awake I brought her down to sleep in my lap as we watched a little TV. It took a little longer that usual because Grandpa Bacho was having too much fun making her smile.
We also were able to take all the girls to the zoo. Watching the Polar Bears swim and fight was interesting. I had never seen Polar Bears fight. It didn't last very long. Listening to Madelynn as we entered the Monkey Habitat or Kaitlynn's eyes as she looked at all the snakes was priceless.
It was a wonderful visit and we will definitely have to do it again. Kaitlynn asked if we could go there every year...which has promise. However, one of the best laughs I had was Monday morning as I was getting ready for work and Madelynn came in to my room she asked me where Uncle Dave was.
She will see Uncle Dave this weekend.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Ready for 1st Grade........I think?!
Well she has been telling me all week that she was ready. She was excited to go back to school and she missed her friends. Getting her out of bed this morning was no small feat but she made it to school with 2 minutes to spare, not with out the help of her brother and sister.
GOOD LUCK in the 1st Grade Kaitlynn!!!
(I will miss you on my days off.)

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Crashing with Sugar and Spice 1

Anna, Madelynn, Kaitlynn, Lily and Ruth
One of the top ten photo's of our trip.....
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Eleven Years and counting..............
Except for the one photo of Phil and I on our wedding day I don't believe I have ever shared these photos before. It was a crazy, joyful, exhausting day. It is one I am not sure to forget as well as most of the people that joined us to celebrate. Every once and a while someone comes up to me to tell me that it was the most fun they have ever had at a wedding.
I can not take credit for that as our parents made it a wonderful day for us and it would not have been without them. THANK YOU!!
Things I won't forget......The ceremony starting 15 minutes late because my sister had to break every speed law known to man through Toledo to find Phil's ring in my luggage. Thanks Jen!! Being so nervous the as we sat down my knee started jerking so bad Phil could not stop laughing. The Unity Candle starting a fire during the wedding photos. Wiping out on the dance floor in my wedding dress....TWICE....I looked like a marshmallow on the floor. Cramming 9 people in a white Cadillac to get back to the hotel...we were a sight!!!

Phil and Jon (brother and best man)
Phil, Sandy and James (his parents)
Justine, Jen, Me, Phil, Jon, Mike, Jamie and Jason Jr.
The Bacho Family
The Covey-Addler Family (most of them)
I can not take credit for that as our parents made it a wonderful day for us and it would not have been without them. THANK YOU!!
Things I won't forget......The ceremony starting 15 minutes late because my sister had to break every speed law known to man through Toledo to find Phil's ring in my luggage. Thanks Jen!! Being so nervous the as we sat down my knee started jerking so bad Phil could not stop laughing. The Unity Candle starting a fire during the wedding photos. Wiping out on the dance floor in my wedding dress....TWICE....I looked like a marshmallow on the floor. Cramming 9 people in a white Cadillac to get back to the hotel...we were a sight!!!

Jen (my sister), Me and Justine (best friend)

Thinking back on that day I really had no idea what life would have in store for me. I just knew I was ready to start that life with Phil. Truly I never would have believed that I love him more today than the day I married him. I am completely in love with the man and father he has become. Our children are the luckiest kids in the world to have him as their guide.
I remember the day in August in Ohio being just warm enough with a gentle breeze. At one point after the wedding during the reception, I remember standing outside closing my eyes and just taking a deep breath and exhaling. All I could think of was this is it I am ready to take on the rest of my life.
We had know idea where the road would take us nor would I have ever believed we would have made it through so much. So here is to the first ELEVEN years and hoping for many more to come.
To Phil...you have held my heart for so long....THANK YOU for never letting go.
To my children....Kaitlynn, Jackson and Madelynn.....Our life would have never been complete without you...THANK YOU for showing us how big our hearts are and that you each have your own special place in it.
Happy Anniversary Phil!!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Birthday Wishes
Happy Birthday Nana Patti!!!!!!!!!!
So sorry we aren't there to help you celebrate, but we are sending lots of hugs and kisses!!!
Kaitlynn, Jackson and Madelynn
So sorry we aren't there to help you celebrate, but we are sending lots of hugs and kisses!!!
Kaitlynn, Jackson and Madelynn
Monday, August 9, 2010
Birthday Party
Some of the pictures of Madelynn's birthday party I promised. Sorry they are a little late.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
The Waterpark
I have talked about the water park before but I have never been brave enough to take my camera there. Since Phil's sister and brother-in-law came to help celebrate Maddie's birthday I had some extra hands. So below are some pictures I took today at the water park.
We also had a small party for her today but my dad took most of those pictures and I won't get those posted till tomorrow. However, it should be very obvious we spoiled her rotten today and she had a blast. More pictures to come.
We also had a small party for her today but my dad took most of those pictures and I won't get those posted till tomorrow. However, it should be very obvious we spoiled her rotten today and she had a blast. More pictures to come.
Friday, August 6, 2010
The Results Are In..........
I leave work and get home only to have to wait for Phil so we only have to drive one car. I am doing everything I can to pass the time and wait. Did I tell you I LOATHE waiting!!??
It has been a while since I have been to the Sanger Clinic so I was quite surprised to see the decorations on the wall. I knew they would go up but I was still very surprised to see it. The picture taken of Madelynn in December was converted to black and white and posted on the wall. All of the Levine Cardiac Kids had their picture taken last year and they were now covering the clinic wall with beautiful bright shinning faces. As I walked in there she was. It was as if a kind of peace came over me. I knew what ever we would find out things would be ok.
Madelynn started with Great News because she had gained a half a pound in a week. As the nurse tested her arms and ankles for blood pressures they could not get any readings when they finally get one it was so high you knew it was wrong. Finally after a few worried moments it finally registered and it was right where it should be in both her arm and ankle. I think Phil and I held our breath for 10 minutes because when we exhaled it was so loud.
We were then taken back for her echo. The tech was really funny she kept offering a DVD for Madelynn to watch. I assured her that Madelynn would be just fine she has her Mommy and her Daddy lets just get on with it. After about 45 minutes Madelynn started to get antsy but it was almost over. When the tech was finished she complimented us on how amazing she was and that she was her best patient of the day.
When the Dr. came in Phil and I held our breath again and waited for words any words to come out of his mouth. Then they came, "Madelynn is great!" huge exhale again. He complimented the surgeon for his stellar work. He then took her pulses, listened to her heart, saw how active she was and his only other comment was, "There is nothing wrong with that child."
Phil and I were so stunned we actually asked, "Are you sure??" (insert laughter here)
We were so prepared for something to be wrong we weren't prepared for it to be all okay!!!
Because Madelynn is in the 50th percentile for her height at 34 inches but only the 5th percentile for her weight at 23.7 lbs it is hard to keep her body warm. So I guess all we need to do is make a conscience effort to keep her body warm since she is such a bean pole, while swimming.
So yes she has been cleared to swim, we were instructed to spoil her rotten this weekend to make up for being poked and prodded on her birthday. So we will follow doctors orders and have a great time.
Thank you to all of you that prayed for her today. We would have never made it this far without all of your prayers and they are greatly appreciated.
Have a great weekend!! We're going to...............
It has been a while since I have been to the Sanger Clinic so I was quite surprised to see the decorations on the wall. I knew they would go up but I was still very surprised to see it. The picture taken of Madelynn in December was converted to black and white and posted on the wall. All of the Levine Cardiac Kids had their picture taken last year and they were now covering the clinic wall with beautiful bright shinning faces. As I walked in there she was. It was as if a kind of peace came over me. I knew what ever we would find out things would be ok.
Madelynn started with Great News because she had gained a half a pound in a week. As the nurse tested her arms and ankles for blood pressures they could not get any readings when they finally get one it was so high you knew it was wrong. Finally after a few worried moments it finally registered and it was right where it should be in both her arm and ankle. I think Phil and I held our breath for 10 minutes because when we exhaled it was so loud.
We were then taken back for her echo. The tech was really funny she kept offering a DVD for Madelynn to watch. I assured her that Madelynn would be just fine she has her Mommy and her Daddy lets just get on with it. After about 45 minutes Madelynn started to get antsy but it was almost over. When the tech was finished she complimented us on how amazing she was and that she was her best patient of the day.
When the Dr. came in Phil and I held our breath again and waited for words any words to come out of his mouth. Then they came, "Madelynn is great!" huge exhale again. He complimented the surgeon for his stellar work. He then took her pulses, listened to her heart, saw how active she was and his only other comment was, "There is nothing wrong with that child."
Phil and I were so stunned we actually asked, "Are you sure??" (insert laughter here)
We were so prepared for something to be wrong we weren't prepared for it to be all okay!!!
Because Madelynn is in the 50th percentile for her height at 34 inches but only the 5th percentile for her weight at 23.7 lbs it is hard to keep her body warm. So I guess all we need to do is make a conscience effort to keep her body warm since she is such a bean pole, while swimming.
So yes she has been cleared to swim, we were instructed to spoil her rotten this weekend to make up for being poked and prodded on her birthday. So we will follow doctors orders and have a great time.
Thank you to all of you that prayed for her today. We would have never made it this far without all of your prayers and they are greatly appreciated.
Have a great weekend!! We're going to...............
Happy 2nd Birthday Madelynn!!!
Happy Birthday Madelynn!!!!!

My Dearest Sweet Madelynn,
Today we have reached a milestone. Today you are two years old. You have come so far and shown everyone what a fighter you are. You have reached goals better and faster than most ever thought you would. To see you today I am a very proud mother of a very strong, amazing little girl.
Today is a bittersweet day as I still worry what the doctor will say when we see him later. While swimming your lips turn blue which could mean lack of oxygen or that your heart is struggling. We were supposed to see your cardiologist the 18th of this month, for your annual visit. It was very quickly moved up. The only appointment available was your birthday.
But I have prepared for today. I have been reminded that you are my gift from God and He has big plans for you no matter how long or short your life is. I just have to trust that what ever the challenge that is laid before us; I have already been given the tools to take it on. I am not going to lie I am terrified to take you to the doctor today. I just don't want to be walked to the hospital from the cardiologist office again and not make it home for days.
So my hope for today is that after the appointment we head home to start your Birthday Bash. I hope for lots of smiles, silly shenanigans, and splashing at the water park to fill the weekend. I hope for lots and OOHS and AAHS as you open your presents. Most importantly I hope at the end of the day I am tucking you in your own bed, giving you hugs and kisses and watching you drift off to slumber at home.
Wishing you a wonderful day......
All my love,
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Weekend Events
Last Thursday was when all of the events with the cardiologist happened. I asked the pediatrician if it was okay for Madelynn to travel out of state. He agreed as long as she did not go swimming until her heart is checked.

Madelynn and Isabelle at the picnic.

I was really glad we could travel because I had big plans. My best friend from high school and her daughter who will be two next month came to NC. The day after their arrival we, Madelynn, Isabelle, Justine and I, headed to O-H-I-O. Two, Two-year olds and their moms...what were we thinking............
Even the frustrated children while we were in a traffic jam that took us 2 miles in one hour. It was the craziest trip but well worth the end result. I was able to see my grandmother, my grandpa and my great uncle and aunt. They were also able to meet Madelynn for the first time. It was nice to see family. However, that was not the only reason my friend travelled 20 hours to hang out with me. We went to our 20th high school reunion.
The events of the weekend were lots of fun I laughed a lot, watched my daughter bond with my best friend's daughter and just had fun. It was funny to watch my daughter run the halls of my high school, see all the changes of the school and yet how it all remains the same.
To be honest I don't miss that time of my life, being a teen-ager, but I am more grateful today than ever for my best friend. Whether she is half way around the world in the Navy or right down the highway she will always be my best friend and is truly irreplaceable. Thanksgiving won't come fast enough see you then my friend.
Madelynn and Isabelle at the picnic.

Playing in front of the famous fireplace at Grandma Angie's
Best Friends and their girls.

Justine, the girls and her god-son.
Miss you already my friend see you soon.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Peanut's upcoming Birthday
I went to Party City and found all kinds of cute girly decorations....flowers, butterflies, you name it, I found it. It is all so cute. The party is set for Saturday a day after her birthday. We were going to have a party in the late morning so that in the afternoon we could take all the kids swimming at the rec center. I was really excited about the whole day with the kids.
However, I feel like all of that will be swept away in an instant.
In recent weeks at the rec center Peanut has been getting cold while swimming and her lips are turning blue. We have been getting her warm and then letting her go back to the pool. In the last visit to the rec center it took close to an hour for her lips to be a normal color.
We were supposed to meet with Peanut's nutritionist last week and she is out on sick leave. It was suggested by her case manager we go to the health department to get her weight check since they do not know when the nutritionist will be able to see her again. I do not like the health department so I went to the pediatrician's office. They always let us sneak in for a weight check. I asked if they would check he pulse ox level while we were there.
All the sudden they all went crazy. I explained the blue lipped issue and I was told we had to wait to see the doctor. The doctor said she looked ok and her pulse ox was good but she needs to see the cardiologist. I explained that we have an appointment for the 18th of Aug. The doctor said no it MUST be sooner. (Small panic is setting in, memories of the first time).
After the nurse called the cardiologist with very little answers, I called the cardiologist. I explained the situation. They said we could see another doctor at the heart institute Friday August 6th (imagine that). What a great way for Madelynn to spend her birthday.
So I have two choices......I can enjoy the next two days off I have getting ready for Peanut's Party (which is what I should do) or I can worry about what they might find (this is what I will probably do).
She is displaying no symptoms of a problem in any other day to day event except swimming. She eats well, sleeps well, runs, jumps and plays with out incident. So I should be at ease that it maybe nothing. However, the last time I spent the days convincing myself it was nothing I was so terribly wrong.
So I hope and pray that it is nothing. But if it is something I hope I have the strength to help her overcome it, it is something the doctors can correct and that it will not disrupt her eating and weight gain accomplishments thus far.
However, I feel like all of that will be swept away in an instant.
In recent weeks at the rec center Peanut has been getting cold while swimming and her lips are turning blue. We have been getting her warm and then letting her go back to the pool. In the last visit to the rec center it took close to an hour for her lips to be a normal color.
We were supposed to meet with Peanut's nutritionist last week and she is out on sick leave. It was suggested by her case manager we go to the health department to get her weight check since they do not know when the nutritionist will be able to see her again. I do not like the health department so I went to the pediatrician's office. They always let us sneak in for a weight check. I asked if they would check he pulse ox level while we were there.
All the sudden they all went crazy. I explained the blue lipped issue and I was told we had to wait to see the doctor. The doctor said she looked ok and her pulse ox was good but she needs to see the cardiologist. I explained that we have an appointment for the 18th of Aug. The doctor said no it MUST be sooner. (Small panic is setting in, memories of the first time).
After the nurse called the cardiologist with very little answers, I called the cardiologist. I explained the situation. They said we could see another doctor at the heart institute Friday August 6th (imagine that). What a great way for Madelynn to spend her birthday.
So I have two choices......I can enjoy the next two days off I have getting ready for Peanut's Party (which is what I should do) or I can worry about what they might find (this is what I will probably do).
She is displaying no symptoms of a problem in any other day to day event except swimming. She eats well, sleeps well, runs, jumps and plays with out incident. So I should be at ease that it maybe nothing. However, the last time I spent the days convincing myself it was nothing I was so terribly wrong.
So I hope and pray that it is nothing. But if it is something I hope I have the strength to help her overcome it, it is something the doctors can correct and that it will not disrupt her eating and weight gain accomplishments thus far.
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