Since it looks as though the morning frosts could be history we decided to get out in the yard and get everything uncovered and ready for the rest of Spring and Summer. It was really nice not too hot and no humidity.

Do you think Madelynn enjoyed the rides????
As we were wrapping up the day I realized that I had missed a section of the yard and forgot about the rose garden. Don't get me wrong it is nothing glamorous but it has it's own story. One year for Mother's day Phil built the stone wall and filled it with dirt and planted several rose bushes. It is filled with all of his sweat and hard work and built with love. I have cut roses off as they open and dried the roses out and made homemade potpourri. I have made gifts with the potpourri or saved it for myself.
Over the last year and a half I have horribly neglected the rose garden. I have spent that time taking care of Madelynn and all that she and Kaitlynn and Jackson required. When I walked over to it I was absolutely stunned that it was still thriving. I thought for sure it had given up on me and died off. So I took the last part of the day and cleaned it up. As you can tell it is ready for the warmer weather. It already has buds on it.
The Rose Garden
When I finished I walked the yard to see what else was blooming or well on it's way. I get excited during spring to see everything come back after the winter. Considering Phil and I planted everything in the back yard, I like to watch our work come to life. Below is the best thing in the backyard I found this week.
The Climbing Yellow Roses

Hope your weekend was as successful as ours.
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