The pictures above are the front and back of a picture given to me for Christmas by Maddie's day care teacher. I was so wrapped up in other things I totally missed the point of this treasured gift. My thought was 'why in the world would I want a picture she painted that just has Maddie's name on it' and I put it aside. As I was cleaning up Christmas decorations I looked at the picture closer and realized that most of the painting and decoration was done by the teacher, however the snowman was Maddie's foot print.
Honestly, I really hate when I miss the really important stuff like that. I was worried about getting every one's Christmas presents, paying bills, buying groceries, training at a new job. Some days in December I really missed the important stuff. We went to the Christmas Eve Children's service, with the children's choir singing and Father talking to a group of second graders. It was really great. I am glad we went. I was reminded that all of the above stress' don't matter it is the children who matter.
One of my resolutions for 2010 will be to pay more attention to my children and not miss any of the little things. As we know the time really does go too fast. There are moments I wish the days would take off like a rocket. But they are just moments and they too shall pass. Here's to not missing the little things.............
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