Monday, November 30, 2009
Thanksgiving Weekend
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving.......
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Daddy is working late

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thankfulness Bag Ingredients

In Katie's back pack was a brown paper bag and she handed me a piece of paper and she recited the following from memory.
Thankfulness Bag Ingredients
*A rubber band - to keep our hearts tied together always
*A candy kiss - to say thank you for all your love
*A penny - to say thank you for sharing my thoughts and letting me know they are important to you
*A warm fuzzy -(small piece of fabric) - to make you feel good when you are sad, like you always do for me
*An adhesive bandage - to say thank you for all the times make my hurts feel better
*A facial tissue - to say thank you for all the times you dry my tears
*A piece of lifesavers candy - a circle to how that my love for you will never end
Who would have ever thought that a miscellaneous bag of stuff would make you stop, think and appreciate of everything you have right in front of you.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Each time Madelynn receives this shot she has to be weighed and the amount of the shot is based off of her current weight. Last Thursday when she received this shot and she weighed 20.015 lbs. I texted a few people with it that info but forgot to actually blog about it.
About two minutes after I sent the text my cell phone is Phil on the other end yelling "WHO-HOO.....its about time." We were very excited Madelynn had finally reached the 20lbs marker. It was such a long road to get here. I will probably wait a few weeks but she can officially be turned around in her care seat, which was more exciting.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Be the Match......
I have decided to be a bone marrow donor.
Phil looked at me and said, "You know if you have to donate it really hurts right?"
I explained to him that there are actually two different ways that your marrow can be taken and yes one of them is very painful but one is not. The one that is not is more common practice.
What Phil doesn't know is that I tried to do this once before and I could not get to the be the match program at the hospital. So I contacted the hospital and asked them how I could still sign up. I went out to the be the match web page and signed up. I received my packet in the mail and within five minutes I was done.
There is nothing really spectacular about me, I am just an average white female, so I would be really shocked if I was contacted. But I can say I signed up and am on the list just in case. So you will see the Be the Match link down the side of my blog for anyone looking for more information on it.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The Friendly Village
The other day I was listening to the radio on my way to work. They were discussing what is the one thing that Thanksgiving would not be the same without. As strange as it sounds my mother's good dishes would be my answer.
They are part of every Thanksgiving and Christmas meal. I remember being told too many times to count ......"be careful those are my good dishes"......"don't break them"...... I remember being scared when one broke because of how special they are. I don't ever remember having a Thanksgiving or Christmas meal without them. I am sure it was the cook but food doesn't taste the same without them. Seeing the holiday tablecloth and all the place settings before we all dive in, it is a work of art.
So this year as I celebrate Thanksgiving with some friends I will be thinking of my family and looking down at my table and how much I miss seeing those dishes. I hope where ever you are for Thanksgiving you experience that one thing that your Thanksgiving just isn't the same without.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Farewell Lady Girl...........
She had definitely had a seizure. She was stuck in a very bad position and could not move. I called the vet and they told me that they wanted $100.00 to look her over tell me she needed to be put down and actually put her down. Yikes!!!
I called the animal shelter and told them what happened. They were closing in 15 minutes. I left a message and they called me back. The very nice lady told me that she had an officer still out in the field and he could come by and get Lady and take her and put her down for me. I could no longer give Lady a good quality of life and we had 12 years with her.
So I carried her out to the truck, put her in and gave her a kiss goodbye.
There are not enough words to tell you how much I will miss her.
Phil was stuck finishing up at work so I would have had to do this by myself. I called my neighbors Mike and Amy and they literally came running across the street. Amy kept the kids busy while Mike and I waited for the county worker to show up. I let Katie and Jack give her a kiss good-bye and left them to play so they would not see her leave.
I am very grateful for the county worker having a heart and not allowing her to suffer overnight. She did not have to go out of her way to find the field worker to help us she could have just gone home. I am grateful to my neighbors who just came to help no questions asked.
Needless to say.....this afternoon just sucked and I am going to sleep it off. Tomorrow will be another day. A lonely day but another day.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
What am I going to do with them????????
As many fruit loops as Maddie eats I think I swept up an equal amount. I found sucker sticks and wrappers. You name if the kids eat it I found a wrapper or residue of it in the van. By the end of my three hour discovery adventure, I had two of the 4 gallon trash bags full of junk, paper towels and Clorox wipes.
I have learned from Maddie's therapist that if I feed fruit loops through a pipe cleaner and twist it into a circle I accomplish two things. One this is good therapy for Maddie as far as her learning how to manipulate her mouth around the fruit loops she has to eat them off. Two, the only fruit loops that spill on to the floor are the ones that fall as she bites them off, less spillage. Needless to say the extra few minutes it takes me at the table to feed the cereal through the pipe cleaners, priceless.
Katie and Jack are another story. I have to be smarter then they are and some days this is no small task. They get suckers as prizes from the treasure box, I need to remember to confiscate them. Otherwise even if I tell them no as I am driving down the road I see from the rear view mirror eating that same sucker. When we are going to be gone for a few hours running errands I have to make sure they are well fed before we leave. If a snack is required I need to make sure it is one they really enjoy so that I only have to worry about what they did with the wrapper.
Something I have been pushing with Katie and Jack is making them take whatever they put in the car back out when we get home. If they refuse I threaten to throw it in the garbage. Yes they come back running back really fast if they think it is going in the garbage. Some days it just gets so exhausting, I feel like I am always threatening them with something to get them to cooperate.
Each day is different and I never know what they will dream up to test me. I was once accused of being too strict and militaristic with my children because we have no TV nights. We do reading, art or all play together. I have also discovered that Katie is one of the few kindergartners that can read. Don't get me wrong she is not reading novels, but the books she is sent home with, for homework, that is her grade level she can read.
Even better is that Katie is reading to Jack. Jack will sit next to us while we are working on the books. He is such a sponge. He is shouting out the answers before she does. Sometimes I have to tell him to be quiet because she gets upset. Even Maddie has gotten in the action. Earlier today I was reading to Katie and Jack. Maddie came up to me and started screaming until I pulled her up on my lap and read to her too.
I was pretty exhausted when I was finished with the van and really didn't want to read to them. I just wanted to veg out for a while. However, watching Katie read later tonight before bed was well worth taking the time to read to them earlier.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Madelynn's Heart 6
This was a very difficult decision for me. I so desperately wanted her to be moving up however I had an itch I just could not scratch. Something still wasn't quite right so the doctor's kept her in CVICU for two more days, just to be sure and monitor her eating. Since I stopped working thinking she was going to the eighth floor I just lived in the CVICU for two days.
The day I walked with Maddie and all of our belongings to the Progressive Care unit from CVICU was very bittersweet. We had developed relationships with the hospital staff. We were going to miss them but it was time. I was all smiles, it was like we were in a parade. Everyone in the hospital was waving at us and wishing us luck. But the rest of the world had no idea what we had just accomplished.
The rest of the world was going to work, school, the gym, sleeping in they had no idea what happens in these hospital walls. Think about it 16 days prior Madelynn had open heart surgery there was talk about her being in the hospital for 6 weeks. When in total she would only be in the hospital 21 days that is three weeks. Three days later from that move we were on our way home. I really had no idea how sick she still really was. Or should I say how badly her body had taken a beating and how long it would take her to recover.
Watching Maddie at the party we had (Friday October 30, 2009) to celebrate her recovery it was like I could finally exhale. She was so funny. Trying to talk to everyone and saying "Hi". Just a little social bug. As of her last weight check Maddie is still not 20 lbs. I was so disappointed. I so wanted her to be 20 lbs by the 1 year anniversary. But watching her at the party, my disappointment melted away and I just laughed and smiled at her.
I remember the day she was discharged. It was such a long day it took almost 8 hours to get her discharged and my body was just itching to leave. I wanted to get her out of the hospital so bad. Linda, Katie's god-mother, came to the hospital and sat with me all day while we waited for them to say...."see ya later......good luck...." Maddie even had a travel home outfit compliments of Grandma and Grandpa Bacho. I was just hoping once she was home she would start eating better and we would home free.
This was not what God had in mind and I was completely unprepared for what would happen over the next two weeks...............
Thursday, November 12, 2009
gleaming with pride, exhausted from tears
Well not today. They put him in a bed right next to Kaitlynn and he could see everything that was happening to her. When it was his turn he started to cry. But after a few minutes of the techs calming his fears he did superb. So well in fact that the techs convinced him he could always have it done this way since it did not hurt. Everyone was praising him at how well he did he was just glowing. It was great to see him full of smiles.
The dentist told us the Jackson's teeth looked really good, NO CAVITIES. He does have a problem with his bite. However they are just going to monitor the bite until he loses his baby teeth, sometimes the permanent teeth will correct the bite all by itself. Kaitlynn's teeth were also excellent, NO CAVITIES. She had some plaque build up in some areas of her teeth. I just need to help her a little bit with her brushing.
I was so excited to be leaving the dentist. No bad reports and Jackson is slowly getting over his fear of the dentist. I really was so proud of him.
Well then I had to get Jackson to daycare and Kaitlynn to kindergarten and have Madelynn to the pediatrician all in about 40 minutes. Luckily I was smart enough to have Phil take the day off and spend the morning with Madelynn and he met me at the Dr's office with Madelynn. Her day was just plain heart breaking.
We get into the room and are talking to the Dr and we had big plans for Madelynn today. There is a new law that requires Dr's to take blood to check for lead levels in small children. We also needed Madelynn to be tested for allergies by blood test for obvious family reasons but also because the pulmonologist wants to change the way her treatment is administered and he wanted a type of allergy test run on that medicine. Unfortunately, the two blood samples had to be taken from her in two different ways. Oh yeah, four shots too.
So my poor angel was tortured today. They took two viles of blood from her arm, lots of screaming and big crocodile tears. Finished by a purple dinosaur band-aid. Next they pricked her finger and took blood from her finger, more screaming and tears, finished by a second purple dinosaur band-aid. Finally four shots, two in each leg, lots more screaming and tears followed by two more purple band-aids.
Madelynn was so pitiful by the time it was over, covered in purple dinosaur band-aids, Phil and I could barely stand it. Her face was bright red from screaming and I am sure she could barely see though all the tears. It has been a long time since she has had to go through something like this. It brought back some memories I just assume they stay as a memory.
It will come as no surprise that the 3 mile trek home from the doctor's office she was exhausted and sleeping. We decided to let her eat lunch after her nap. In case anyone is wondering she still is not 20 lbs yet. She was 19lbs 13.5oz. Yes I realize this is close and I am sure close enough to turn her around but I want her to be 20lbs and stay over 20lbs before I turn her car seat around. After everything we have been through what's a few more weeks.
Overall it was a bittersweet day. I was very excited for Kaitlynn to have a great dental visit and Jackson was just wonderful once he calmed down, I was very proud of him. As for Madelynn I was just glad it was over and she is now running around the house with Kaitlynn and Jackson trying to take off her clothes = she is feeling just fine.
Happy Weekend Eve!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Peanut's artwork
I would have paid money to be a fly on the wall trying to roll paint on the kids feet and only getting orange paint on the the children's toes. Then after drying trying to control the children the put paint on their little hands and not getting it everywhere.
One of Madelynn's teachers is pregnant and everyday I see her she looks exhausted but she also looks like she has been attacked by one of the kids with whatever art project they are working on. I never understood how some things could be so messy until I thought about the time and patience it took to create this simple art.
It turned out so cute..............

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
What will I do with him?????????????
Later, I cleaned up the kitchen and the dining room. I was simply too tired to finish cleaning up the living room. It looked like the kids had a huge party and there were toys everywhere. However I knew they would keep till the morning so I crawled up to bed.
At some point in the night Katie made her way to our bed. She is no longer having night time accidents however when she wakes up in the middle of the night to use the potty, mommy and daddy's bed is closer and cozier. So she buries herself between us and is fast asleep in seconds.
For some reason, I was under the impression that not only did Phil have to work today but that he had to be out the door at his usually 6am. I heard Jack and Phil talking as I was half asleep and knew Jack was ok and fell back asleep. Some time around 7:30 I was a little bit more conscience. Little did I know what Phil was already up too.
As mentioned in a previous post Jack likes to go wake Maddie up to keep him company when the rest of the world is completely unconscious. Jack has also been reprimanded because I will find him in Maddie's crib. Not that Jack would break the crib but I just didn't want him to think climbing in an out of Maddie's crib was okay, MOST importantly I didn't want Maddie to get any ideas.
So Jack in his creative mind found a way that he would not get in trouble from previous conversations we have had with him. Phil found Jack and Maddie in the guest room on the bed watching cartoons. This means that Jack helped Maddie climb out of the crib and brought her to the guest room, helped her climb on to the bed and turned the TV on so they could watch cartoons. He even turned the light on for her.
After my racing mind went through a small panic attack.........I have no idea how he got her out of bed or how her got her on the guest room bed and only by the grace of God did she not get hurt. I thought about Jack and his big heart.
He did not want to be alone and knew he could get Maddie to join his party. I am sure he tried to be very careful to get her out of bed. He is a great big brother. From the remnants of what was left on the guest room bed, he also tried to cover her up to be cozy and warm. Because every time he tries to come in our bed he tells me he wanted to be cozy and warm. Although, he should not have gotten her out of bed, she was completely unharmed and he just wanted to play.
I did talk to Jack about what he had done and told him that it was unsafe. He claimed to have understood and promised not to do it again. However, I just can't get over how he and her kind of bonded this morning just the two of them. I have no idea what time he woke up or woke her up or when he got her out of bed. The only thing I do know that is that he never wanted to harm her he just wanted a buddy to hang out with. Kind of sweet...........
I have a vision that Jack will have this big football player body build and Maddie will be short and petite and he will always be there to protect her. He will always be there to watch out for her and be her protector. Ever though he is pretty clumsy at it as a 4 year old I think he will figure it out. I just hope one day she appreciates what he tries to do for her.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Madelynn's Heart 5
The very first day of part time work Madelynn was moved to a different room in the CVICU. We knew this would happen but I was not prepared for the call I received. The nurse called me to tell me while they were moving her, her lung collapsed, she stopped breathing and they had to re-intubate her. She was now back on the ventilator. She was also diagnosed with strep-pnuemonia. My heart fell. I had about two hours left before I would head to the Hospital to see her.
The next few days were going to be very difficult for Madelynn and she was going to need to fight like she never had before. She was very sick. They told us until they had a true diagnosis they had to treat her with some hardcore drugs. Her poor body was withering away. She was losing weight quickly. Her body had gone through such a major ordeal with the change in blood flow that feeding her was going to be incredible slow.
This was another ordeal I was not prepared for. Madelynn was such a great eater prior to surgery. She had to re-learn how to eat. The nurses became some of her strongest advocates and told the doctors and staff what they believed she could handle and what she couldn't. Looking back on this part of her recovery this was harder for me to sit and watch than the day I waited for the surgery to be over. There were so many nights I slept in her hospital room and cried. Just praying and hoping she would be strong enough to survive.
One of things that helped get me through was the weekend of my mother's birthday. This was the weekend Madelynn was supposed to be baptized. Everyone already had their plane tickets so my brother and sister used their tickets and came in town anyway. Late one night while they were all here my parents, brother, sister, Phil and I all went to dinner. It was one of best nights I have ever had. We laughed so much and I really needed that.
There will be three more posts to this story but they will be over the next few weeks.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Weekend Update
We had a house full somewhere between 40-45 people including kids and almost no food left. Madelynn was so funny. I really thought she would be shy around all the people but she wasn't. She went with the flow walking around looking at people and saying 'HI!'. There were four children around her age and she was having a great time playing with them.
Saturday we had lots to do before trick or treating began. The kids were so excited. We talked to Jack's pre-school teacher whose husband works with Phil and daughter is one of Katie's best friends to come trick or treat with us. So while I passed out candy they all walked the neighborhood collecting candy. We did get some rain that put a damper on some of the evening but it never poured until much later. The kids came home with tons of candy. With what I had left we have either more candy or about the same as when the evening started. I have already posted the pic of Katie, Jack and Maddie in costume.
Then we have the fact that time changed this weekend. So by Saturday night I am ready to pass out. I am about to get up to bed when Katie comes down and asks if she can sleep in my bed. So I tell her to go up there and I will be there in a minute. I knew Jack would not understand the time change and that he would be up at his usual 6am awakening. Which I was not looking forward too.
What I was not prepared for was the CD BLASTING out of Katie's radio through the baby monitor and Katie was sleeping in our bed. And NO Maddie can not get out of the crib yet. It was 6:15. I stumble out of bed, eyes still closed, feeling my way to the girls room. Not only had Jack full blasted the radio he turned on the biggest brightest light in the room.
Imagine poor Maddie in her cozy bed covered in a blankets in perfect slumber awakened to the lights of Broadway and Life is a Highway roaring out of the radio. I know I would have had a few choice words for him. Phil really wanted to say them but I held him back. So now not only was Jack awake so was Maddie which means I now had to become conscience. I was not happy. By the time I finished Maddie's breathing treatment Katie was awake too so I took all three of them downstairs to eat breakfast.
Needless to say, I made sure they all took a nice long afternoon nap and yes I was able to slip one in there too. Chaos is always there it just shows itself in so many different forms.
By the way, GO IRISH!!!!