Maddie had her one month check up. She was 9lbs 12oz and 22 inches long. She is in the 70th percentile for her weight and 75 percentile for her height. We grow 'em big in the Addler household. She didn't get any shots this visit. They start in the next visit. The Doctor said she looked great.
Jack goes back to the ENT Dr for his follow up to his surgery. After his emergency room episode he has been doing great. Which of course is what the on call ENT Dr told us would happen. He is doing pretty good at school. He has been eating all of his dinner, every night. Dinner is a lot more fun for everyone now that it doesn't hurt to eat. Now we just have to wait for the growth spurt to happen. Constant infections (strep, tonsilitis, etc) actually slows growth down. At his annual check up in July Jack had only grown an inch (one inch) in a year. We'll see where he is in six months.
Katie on the other hand, had a huge growth spurt over the summer. Clothes I bought her in the spring and early summer no longer fit her. I went to a consignment sale a few weeks ago and bought Katie and Jack some clothes. I bought Jack's stuff in 4t knowing of the possible growth spurt. Katie I bought in 5t hoping it would last till late spring when it starts to get really warm. Most of it fits her now. I was stunned, hopefully it lasts the whole winter. The wastes were all a little big nothing a belt can't cure but all of the lengths fit perfect now. Well see.....TTFN - Chels
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