Sunday, April 29, 2018

Week 17 of 52

Kaitlynn was finishing up her middle school soccer season. The last practice before the last game she was awarded the MVP of the team. I was so taken aback I had no idea how to respond. This years team was filled with a bunch of petty girls and the social problems were a nightmare. Phil and I sat in the stands alone and families did not talk to us.

You see our daughter was not on a club team so we were not worthy of there time. It was miserable. But we came to every practice, every game and all that was required of her to represent her school. The only saving grace was our true soccer families came to support us and the teams on the field. When we played Piedmont Suzy and her daughter 'Merica (Erica) came and cheered on Piedmont while sitting on the Porter Ridge side. When we played Sun Valley we took time to speak to our soccer families from Sun Valley and Congratulate them on their win.

These my friends are true soccer families and understand what middle school sports is all about; teaching your children what good sportsmanship is. At the end of the day it did not matter what color your jersey was it mattered who your true friends were. I missed that when she played for her school team.

You see at the same time Kaitlynn also played for a rec team. These were the families we loved to be around. We laughed so much some days it even brought happy tears.While in school she was on a soccer field almost 7 days a week not including horseback riding lessons. When my daughter looks back on her life I want her to see what a well rounded human being we raised. I do not want her walking around with a chip on her shoulder thinking somebody owes her.

She worked hard on both soccer teams and when it was time for riding lessons she traded her cleats for cowboy boots and she was just as happy. For her to achieve MVP it was a total surprise, due to the pettiness of some of the other players on her school team. I want her to know how proud we are of her. She never gave in, never quit and gave back just as much as she received.

Back when she first started playing for her rec team her daddy would take her to practice. Some nights after practice her daddy would chat with the families; thirty minutes later they were finally on their way home. One night after practice  Kaitlynn was standing next to her dad while he chatted. He suddenly realized she was taller than earlier that night and had been taller for several minutes. It was at that moment in her cleats he discovered she could balance on a soccer ball for a very long time. It is one of her many hidden talents.

Congratulations for all of your hard work this season Kaitlynn. we are so very proud of you for never giving up on your passions. Thank you for making me a soccer mom you can be proud of.