I have been trying to post this for a few days now. I keep doing other things and remembering I wanted to get this post done while I am drive down the road or the middle of the grocery store. Recently, I decided to finish the master closest. I have been scraping popcorn ceiling, sanding mudding, more sanding. I even got hooked on a stupid (not really) FB game, Trivia Crack (Thanks Ted). I have been painting the ceiling with several coats of paint to get it done. While I was waiting for the paint to dry, I finally remembered to finish this post.
In 2014 I learned many things........
Best Friends are Forever - I knew this already but the friends that mean the most to me reminded me how much they truly care about and love me.
Some people were never my friend - One of my biggest faults is that I always want to see the good in people and they use it to betray me.
Love is Forever - On the days I want to kill my children for not listening, breaking something or hurting my feelings; I still love them. Even in my angriest moment, I can still look them in the face and say, "I love you every second of every minute of every day."
For me.....Marriage is Forever - Some days I do not like Phil because we do not agree or we make each other angry. But I always without a doubt I LOVE him. I promised him forever.
Family is what you make it - I am lucky to have both of my parents still with me. I never want to take that for granted. But some people aren't so lucky. Whether it be those with deceased parents, fathers who have no relationship with their children, sharing your children with childless couples, or piece mealing a family together with those that work at it or want it.....it is ALL family.
Sometimes you have to draw a line in the sand.....and choose not to cross it - Standing your ground, if it is what you truly believe, regardless if someone else thinks it is wrong, you should not waiver. This has been a very hard choice to make. Because I always want to see the best in people, I have been burned by it and will no longer cross the line.
Soccer Moms are the coolest.....We turn into blithering idiots because we want our children to have amazing success. As the moms we see the ability in our players. Victory or defeat our child shares this as a team. One exceptional athlete does not make the team. But I also know if I called these Moms in a crisis they would be their in a minute or the first to congratulate at a success of any kind.
Do Everything Joyfully - On the days you don't want to go to work, run that errand you promised, help the friend in need on your busiest day, whatever life throws at you do it ALL JOYFULLY!! Other people see you and you are a witness 24/7/365. I once was standing in line at the post office to mail a package. The person in front of me just needed a stamp and it was a very long line. I pulled a stamp out of my purse and gave it to her. She tried to pay me for it. I told her to pay it forward to someone else. She told me I made her day. I wonder how she paid it forward to someone else??
Social Media isn't all it is cracked up to be - I have a very good friend who I talk to almost everyday. She texts me in the morning to see how the family is. She sends me stupid jokes that make me laugh out loud in my office alone. However, we share not a single social media account together. We are not FB friends, she is not on my instagram or my twitter or pintrest. According to social media, we do not know each other, but I truly treasure her friendship and would walk through fire to keep it.
God is in control - No matter what I try to control or think this is the plan full steam ahead. God always has His plan and I need to remember to be obedient and follow it.
Good Luck in 2015..... Back to the next coat of paint and then a little Trivia Crack LOL!!