Someone once asked me ..."How do you do it?? How do you get it all done??"
The truth is I don't.
My regular weeks are jammed packed full from about 5:30 am until about midnight or later. Most days I am operating on about 4-5 hours of sleep. I still don't get it all done.
Currently, I am sleeping on my mattress on the floor (in our extra bedroom) because I am stripping the popcorn ceiling out of the master bedroom. All three of my kids are in camp from 10 am - 3 pm while I am working. To give you an example Monday I was at the office with all three of my kids by 9:00. At 10:00 I walk them over to the camp on the church campus. I worked until 3:00 grabbed the kids, came home, cleaned some of the house, made dinner, worked on the ceiling, showered and went to bed.
However, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I put Madelynn on the bus for tutoring, get to the office by 9:30, kids at camp by 10:00, leave the office at 10:45 go get Madelynn from tutoring, take her to camp, work until 3:00, get kids, run a few errands, clean a little house, dinner, ceiling, shower and finally bed.
As a Parent it is never ending. This does not include soccer training, practices, and in about 7-8 weeks games or other things I volunteer my time for (LOL!!). They all have summer homework reading and math, chores and fun. For me it means washing and drying all the clothes Sunday and folding and putting away Monday; last nights dinner dishes get done this morning or mowing the grass Tuesday and weeding the flower beds Thursday. I always consider what has to be done, how long it will take and what day I can fit it in.
I do not get it all done and I fail at things all the time. Sometimes I didn't get Jackson's favorite shorts washed or I promised Madelynn I would read to her and she fell asleep. The best part about these failures is they are mine and I am ok with it. It might mean I have to get up earlier the next day to make sure the shorts are ready or read two books tomorrow night but that's ok.
My "To Do" list is a book and my "Wish List" are just dreams. I have learned to just keep moving forward. Once I finish the Master Bedroom I only have three more spaces and the whole house has beautiful flat ceilings. Not only that I paid for it all with my two, yes TWO, side jobs so no debt was incurred.
I do not have the best and biggest house, multiple cars, or six figure salary. I have a husband who loves me and works his butt off every day, children who love me, a roof over my head, and food in my cupboards, a job (or three) and friends who don't judge me. The rest of it does not matter. If at the end of the day I can look myself in the mirror and say you gave today 100% NOTHING ELSE MATTER.
There is always tomorrow. When you wonder how all the other mom's get it done?? They don't either; they just keep moving forward.