Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving........

Usually by now I have something I really want to post about to celebrate Thanksgiving. As I have talked about before Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday. It doesn't involve presents or any other requirement just show up to be thankful and celebrate family.

Phil and I are VERY LUCKY. We still have our parents and immediate family but we also have an amazing extended family too. Brothers that you would never know were just 1/2 brothers, sisters that would walk through fire for us, and people that have stumbled into our life that have no blood line whatsoever that we love like family. I don't think two people could be as lucky as Phil and I.

So today we Thank You our parents for always being there, our siblings for never forgetting we are family and to those that came into our lives and made us better people for it....We thank you.

Something I never want to forget is to be Thankful for Dr. Alfred Kendrick. Without God's perfect timing and Dr. Kendrick's pediatric knowledge the picture below would not have Madelynn in it. He saved her life. We will forever be grateful he helped complete our family.

We hope everyone finds something to be truly THANKFUL for this year.


Thanksgiving 2012

The Addler's
Philip, Chelsea, Kaitlynn, Jackson and Madelynn

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Enjoying the sunshine.......

After the emotionally exhausting week, a break was almost required. Phil had an oppportunity to go fishing, for the weekend, so I sent him away. Even though I could have really used his help at home, I felt he needed the fishing trip to decompress and regroup.

While he was gone I worked on some arrangements for the LCK dinner and silent auction fundraiser. Some friends came over and we knocked them out. THANKS GIRLS!!!

Today we worked on the kids rooms and the ridiculous amounts of laundry. I still have about two loads left making the grand total about 20 loads. This includes everyones sheets, comforters, towels and all the clothes. I am so sick of matching socks.

We decided to take a break and go to the park. It was a B-E-A-Utiful day, sunny, warm and just what we needed. Just being outside for a little while not having a care in the world, who could ask for more.

While Jack and I were working on his room, my dad called. He was checking to make sure we were able to get out heat back on. It is working. Thank God. Overnights have been near freezing. I told him we might sneak out and go to the park. His response, "Don't forget to take your camera."

I didn't........







Days like today......being able to wear t-shirts, and leave your coat in the car in November is why I LOVE living in the south. If you look around the smallest remnats of Fall are on the almost bare trees. You would have never known the way the sun was beating down.