Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What Might Happen.............

Life has been CRAZY, Busy these last three to four weeks but they are finally settling down. Back in December Kaitlynn lost her first tooth. Since then Jack has lost two teeth and over Memorial Day Weekend Kaitlynn lost her second tooth.

Both Kaitlynn and Jackson were VERY excited to lose their first tooth. Jackson was so jealous that Kaitlynn lost her first tooth I think he was trying to loosen his teeth and it was a little scary for a while. When Jackson lost his second tooth it was really loose one night before bed. I warned him he might want to just wiggle it right out before bed because you just never know what might happen.

Well sure enough "what might happen" did happen. Not only did he lose his second tooth but he in fact ATE it. Yep! He swallowed it in his sleep. Mortified that morning, he was crying that he had eaten it. Praise God for small favors he did not want to see if he would poop it out. Instead, I quickly suggested he write a letter to the tooth fairy explaining what happened and see what she would say.

Due to our Chaotic May, Jackson finally this evening wrote a letter to the tooth fairy apologizing for swallowing it and asked if he could still get money. He is just beside himself with worry at the response. Shown below is the letter Jackson wrote to the tooth fairy. I did not help him with it, in fact I didn't even know he was writing it until he was standing before me proud and tall showing me what he had done. He was very anxious to know what I thought and ask me at least three times what I thought the tooth fairy would say.

I simply told him that I believed the Tooth Fairy would love his letter, especially since he wrote it all by himself. It certainly made me smile.

In case you needed a translation: I am sorry but I swallowed my tooth will you still give me money please I love you Jackson Addler (not sure why the M is in front of Addler, I forgot to ask).

Then on top of everything else, I lost Kaitlynn's tooth. Luckily I saved her first one so I dug it out as a substitute and she never knew the difference. I had Phil dig out some of the One Dollar coins I was saving and each of them will find two one dollar coins in the morning.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Camp LuCK 2011

Things have been a little nuts and I am trying to catch up on my postings. Over the weekend we were able to go to Family Camp and get "unzipped". We arrived at Camp LuCK Friday evening and settled in for good ole Family time. By the time lunch time came Sunday afternoon we were absolutely exhausted but the best kind.

We are grateful for all of those who worked tirelessly to make our weekend unbelievable. Now that we are home, unpacked and all the laundry done we are already looking forward to next year. Thank you Jay "Bird" Thompson, Dr. Rene Herlong, The Jackson Family and everyone else who helped make our weekend of fun memorable.

See you all next year.................


I know I posted this on Facebook too but for family not on facebook I thought I would share.

Monday, May 23, 2011

A short little trip.......

The day started out very gloomy, gray and rainy. We showered, dressed and headed to Fall Church, VA not far from the days events. My excitement was building in a strange kind of way. I haven't seen my best friend of over 20 years in about seven months and I couldn't wait to see her. Oddly enough I believe her Father would have understood that.

However, the reason I was headed to Virginia was to help my friend and her family say farewell to her father. He was retired Navy and was to be laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery.

In the past I have only heard about what this event entails or seen it on TV but never witnessed it first hand. Experiencing it live is one of the most serene, breath-taking, reverent moments of my life. As we entered the cemetery we saw the rolling green hills, lined with the white headstones in amazing perfection.

As we waited for the events of the ceremony to get started, we watched the changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown solider. Speechless as I was after that, watching my friend and her brother walk hand in hand behind the horse drawn carriage, I found tears just gentling rolling down my face.

This day I will remember the crisp, clean, white Navy uniforms, the impeccable perfection at the way they folded the American flag, the stunning amount of medals each solider displayed on his chest but most of all the words I heard are in blazed in my memory. "On behalf of the President of the United States and a Grateful Nation....." at that point the tears just fell in a slow steady stream.

I'm not going to lie I almost fell over when the 21 gun salute started. I knew it would happen but I wasn't paying attention to see they were getting ready. At the beginning of "Taps" I looked up at the sky and the gray clouds were gone and all you could see over the green rolling hills were blue sky and sunshine.

"Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Brett for the kiss of sunshine".

Probably the one thing I was most unprepared for was the letters my friend and her brother read out loud to their father before they closed the crypt in the columbarium. It was a final farewell that was sweet, honest and would have made him very proud.

Thank you Justine and James for including my family with yours. I will treasure the memory forever.

On a side note: You will see no pictures not even of my friend and I those few days because I of all people forgot my camera. I know my dad just let out a huge sigh. Of all the places to go and forget your camera this should not have been one of them.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Expected and Unexpected Visitors

Friday afternoon we patiently waited for Phil's brother Jason and his wife Franka and two of Jason's boys to arrive. I don't think I have seen Jason and Franka for almost two years. It was very nice to see them. The kids were thrilled when they realized they were here.

We didn't do anything spectacular but it was nice enough to grill out dinner, the girls got to escape to get pedicures and the kids played until they were literally exhausted. Today as Jason, Franka, Jared and Kaden headed to the beach we started preparing for the craziest week this year.

Kaitlynn, spent most of the day completing all the work she will miss being out of school a few days. Jackson after watching a movie or two completed his as well. We head to DC this week to bury my best friend's father at Arlington National Cemetery. I know her father would appreciate the fact that he has brought us together even if it was to wish him farewell. I am so excited just to see her.

We will head home so that we can see Jackson and the rest of the kindergarten's in their year end performance. I love kindergartner's and this musical performance ought to prove a little comical. Most of all it will be nice to just highlight Jackson. Sometimes I think he and Kaitlynn feel a little left out and night's like this help remind them they are important.

But oh the week is not over, Friday afternoon as soon as school gets out we are on the road again for a weekend to get completely "unzipped". We are headed to CAMP LUCK - Family Heart Camp for the weekend. No phones, TV, or other electronic devices just time to spend with Phil and the kids and other heart families. Sometimes it is nice to be around others who have walked our road and understand a new "normal".

Thinking the upcoming week could not get anymore exciting..........I was soooooo wrong. Over the last few weeks we have heard strange noises in the wall behind the dryer. We knew we had a momma bird make a nest on the outside of the dryer vent and where we live you can battle with other small critters. Phil however was convinced it was a bird.

After dinner he decided to move the dryer and investigate. He pulled the dryer vent off the dryer using Jack's flashlight to look down the vent. But there was nothing there.......Seconds later a FULL size robin flew out of the DRYER right over the top of Phil's head. A slew of expletives "flew" out of Phil's mouth to described his shock.....I yelled WHAT, WHAT, WHAT, is it!!!! There was this dramatic pause and Phil yells "BIRD!!!" Here she comes rounding the corner to the dining room and I hit the deck.

It was utter chaos the kids are jumping up and down yelling THERE'S A BIRD IN THE HOUSE!!!, Phil is trying to compose himself not to swear any more and you can tell his brain is burning "How in the H_LL do I get a bird out of the house. As the momma bird is making her rounds about the ceiling, the kids are really freaked out to see the bird up close and personal and I just kept ducking hoping not to get pooped on from above; the bird flew into the blinds.

We were able to trap the bird between the blinds and the window. As Phil kept her trapped and hoping not to cause injury I stuck my fingers through the blinds and opened the window, popped the screen and away the momma bird went to freedom. I would have never guessed the noises I have heard over the last two weeks was a bird in the dryer vent.

But I believe the best part of the story was listening to Maddie retell it to Phil as if he weren't here. Never a dull moment in the Addler household.

To Jason and Family: So glad you were able to stop by on your way to the beach.

To Justine: My friend I am so sorry your Father is gone but I am so glad he is no longer suffering and the thought of your mother meeting him as he entered heaven what a joyful reunion that must have been. Can't wait to see you.

To all the Camp Luck Campers: I hope that all of you take full advantage of Family Camp this coming weekend. To Jacob's Family: I can't imagine what it will be like entering the camp ground without him but I know he will remind us he is there in spirit all weekend.

To Phil, my bird rescuing hero: Thank you for always reminding me there is nothing in life that a little humor can't cure. Hopefully the kids didn't hear the potty words, LOL!!!!

Hope everyone has a great week!!