Every year for her spring break Phil's sister, Joy, and her mother, Nana Patti, always come to visit us. This year was no exception. However, this year I think I laughed more than ever before. Phil and I just had the best time. We will be sad to see them go but so glad they took the time to come see us.
The weather wasn't the best but we had enough days of sunshine to enjoy the outdoors and get some of the best pictures. We went to dinner, the kids went to a movie, Katie had visitors in her cheer leading class and at school for lunch. Overall the kids have great memories of the visit and love the gift.
Enjoy the pictures.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Phil recently went to go visit his family in Indiana. He helped his brother with a house project and had a chance to visit with his mother some. Several years ago his mother said that in all the times they moved she had lost/misplaced pictures of the family over the years. For whatever reason she found quite a few photos and decided to give them to Phil.
I love old photos for lots of reasons but mostly I like to compare family baby or young pictures to see who looks like who. In a few weeks we will be helping Phil's nephew celebrate his college graduation. We are very excited for him. I remember this nephew when he was young but he was 8 or 9 by the time I met him. I was shocked to see photos of him younger. He looks so much like Jackson.
Just thought I would share.

I love old photos for lots of reasons but mostly I like to compare family baby or young pictures to see who looks like who. In a few weeks we will be helping Phil's nephew celebrate his college graduation. We are very excited for him. I remember this nephew when he was young but he was 8 or 9 by the time I met him. I was shocked to see photos of him younger. He looks so much like Jackson.
Just thought I would share.

Monday, March 22, 2010
A mother's right to brag......
Lately, I have been really pushing Kaitlynn with her school work. She and I argue about it but she still always does it. I have been quite shocked that kindergartner's are given homework that includes spelling words and math worksheets, at six years old.
I just don't remember ever having homework in kindergarten much less being able to read. I am not sure about other states but they are required to spell and write correctly about 20 words using only lower case letters in order to pass kindergarten. At least that is what the letter sent home today said.
So here goes my mind racing again. Does she know them? Can she write them? What about the all lower case? Suddenly, I turn to the next page in the homework packet and see the following...........

I guess one day I won't worry so much..........
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Savor Today
I remember the day I found out I was going to have Madelynn. Five minutes after I took the test and it was positive my sister called me. I could have lied to her or not answered the phone but until I said it out loud it would not be real. She was very excited. I was angry, so angry. All of these why's kept wandering around in my mind.
One of the first people I wanted to tell was my best friend on the planet, Justine. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. She had been trying to have a baby and not succeeded yet. I felt like it would have been a slap in the face to call her. A few weeks after I found out someone I knew miscarried. I was still so angry. I didn't even want to tell my Dad because although ultimately he would be excited my dad is a matter of fact kind of guy. Facts are we could not afford a third child.
Then we have my feelings. I did not want a third child, did not need a third child, could not afford a third child. With so many parents longing out there in some cases begging God for a child, why were we gifted. I was perfectly happy with my two. I did not understand nor did I want to. One day I was crying at a horrible way some friends lost a baby, I asked Phil why is this happening to us.
Phil said it didn't matter it is happening to us and you better get ready.
So I did, I got ready and did my very best to prepare myself and my children for what was about to happen. Or so I thought I did.
One night after Madelynn's surgery during her recovery I was in the car alone driving somewhere I don't even remember where. I was talking to God more like yelling at him. I was so angry. Why was it so important Madelynn be born? We could afford a third child not to mention the multitudes of medical bills? Were you using her so that I would find my way back to you? Why were you using an innocent child. My child and why did my child have to suffer for my mistakes?
All of the sudden the I felt a response......My child suffered for you.
I cried the rest of the way home. There are days I wondered if I was really worth all that.
Over time the anger slowly melts away because God truly is faithful and today Madelynn is completely medication free. So far, with help of some wonderful people the medical bills are getting paid. My best friend has a little girl who is thriving and was born about a month after Madelynn. If you saw Madelynn today you would never know what happen to her. The medication free is just a test we will know more in June.
I am definitely a different person today and my focus on life is different. Kaitlynn and Jackson were so patient waiting for their turn when Madelynn took so much of my time. I work everyday to make sure they never feel that way again. I still worry that we will have a set back with Madelynn but then I remember something Phil told me.
Would you just worry about today and not about something that may never happen?!
So as we get ready for Easter and Spring I am really excited. All the kids are well and healthy, time has changed and the days are warmer. God has shown us He has not abandoned us. We might wish the circumstances to be different but if we did that then we might not be who we are today.
I used to say I can't wait till Friday or vacation. You know we all do it. Someone once told me to stop wishing my life away. Savor today.
By savoring today, I saw Kaitlynn read to Madelynn, Jackson came back to me after he was put to bed to give me another kiss and hug, and Madelynn jumped up and down on the bed when she saw Daddy round the corner and she yelled, "Daddy hugs" as she threw her arms wide open.
I hope you find something to savor about today.
One of the first people I wanted to tell was my best friend on the planet, Justine. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. She had been trying to have a baby and not succeeded yet. I felt like it would have been a slap in the face to call her. A few weeks after I found out someone I knew miscarried. I was still so angry. I didn't even want to tell my Dad because although ultimately he would be excited my dad is a matter of fact kind of guy. Facts are we could not afford a third child.
Then we have my feelings. I did not want a third child, did not need a third child, could not afford a third child. With so many parents longing out there in some cases begging God for a child, why were we gifted. I was perfectly happy with my two. I did not understand nor did I want to. One day I was crying at a horrible way some friends lost a baby, I asked Phil why is this happening to us.
Phil said it didn't matter it is happening to us and you better get ready.
So I did, I got ready and did my very best to prepare myself and my children for what was about to happen. Or so I thought I did.
One night after Madelynn's surgery during her recovery I was in the car alone driving somewhere I don't even remember where. I was talking to God more like yelling at him. I was so angry. Why was it so important Madelynn be born? We could afford a third child not to mention the multitudes of medical bills? Were you using her so that I would find my way back to you? Why were you using an innocent child. My child and why did my child have to suffer for my mistakes?
All of the sudden the I felt a response......My child suffered for you.
I cried the rest of the way home. There are days I wondered if I was really worth all that.
Over time the anger slowly melts away because God truly is faithful and today Madelynn is completely medication free. So far, with help of some wonderful people the medical bills are getting paid. My best friend has a little girl who is thriving and was born about a month after Madelynn. If you saw Madelynn today you would never know what happen to her. The medication free is just a test we will know more in June.
I am definitely a different person today and my focus on life is different. Kaitlynn and Jackson were so patient waiting for their turn when Madelynn took so much of my time. I work everyday to make sure they never feel that way again. I still worry that we will have a set back with Madelynn but then I remember something Phil told me.
Would you just worry about today and not about something that may never happen?!
So as we get ready for Easter and Spring I am really excited. All the kids are well and healthy, time has changed and the days are warmer. God has shown us He has not abandoned us. We might wish the circumstances to be different but if we did that then we might not be who we are today.
I used to say I can't wait till Friday or vacation. You know we all do it. Someone once told me to stop wishing my life away. Savor today.
By savoring today, I saw Kaitlynn read to Madelynn, Jackson came back to me after he was put to bed to give me another kiss and hug, and Madelynn jumped up and down on the bed when she saw Daddy round the corner and she yelled, "Daddy hugs" as she threw her arms wide open.
I hope you find something to savor about today.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Busy week
Last week we were getting on to Kaitlynn about the negative notes about her behavior in class. This episode has been going on for about 3 weeks. We finally gave her an ultimatum. Either behavior yourself in school or your cheer leading days are over.
Kaitlynn's favorite day of the week is Saturday. Not because she doesn't have to go to school but this is when her practice is. Not to mention her very best friend is in the class too. So the treat worked. We could see improvement in the comments from the teacher. The assistant teacher even said she was trying very hard.
Well last Friday I get a call from the teacher. I answer my cell and it starts out with This is Mrs. ....... Kaitlynn's teacher. All the sudden I am thinking what did she do that warrants a call to mom 15 minutes before school gets out. This can not be good. However good is what it was. Kaitlynn had been doing so well in fact they wanted to make her the star of the week.
During this week Kaitlynn was allowed to bring in her favorite book, pictures of her family, favorite stuffed animal, favorite snack. She was very excited. However Monday when I opened her agenda negative note not following directions. We warned her one more note this week cheer leading was over. I was rooting for her to succeed. I just paid the next months dues on cheer leading. Tuesday big smiley face.
Wednesday there was a big smiley face then it was crossed out and it said, "Kaitlynn punched _______ in the stomach."
I was so mad I jumped all over her and told her cheer leading was over that it was not acceptable to hurt our classmates. Kaitlynn started arguing with me. She explained what happened, said she apologized and was really good the rest of the day. The teacher even complimented her on it.
So I wrote a note to the teacher asking it what Kaitlynn told me had really occurred. And sure enough. Exactly what Kaitlynn said the teacher said really happened and the teacher apologized for not leaving another note to tell us. So right now cheer leading is still on but there is still one more day this week, so we'll see.
Sometimes I am told I am too hard on my children and they are still so young. I see it this way. If it were up to me my kids would be in private, catholic schools. However, currently my budget does not allow for it. So I have to make do with what I have. My child will behave and get the best education offered even if I have to help push it along. I had one teacher tell me I was way too strict. I may be way to strict but my kindergartner is reading, writing and learning her addition tables and is working slightly above grade level at 6 years old. Most of all still talks to me even though I do push her.
Anyway, off my soap box. Kaitlynn is doing well, she does like school, loves cheer leading and even though sometimes I am a big ol' meanie she still loves to snuggle up with Mommy at the end of the day. So it can't be all bad.
Kaitlynn's favorite day of the week is Saturday. Not because she doesn't have to go to school but this is when her practice is. Not to mention her very best friend is in the class too. So the treat worked. We could see improvement in the comments from the teacher. The assistant teacher even said she was trying very hard.
Well last Friday I get a call from the teacher. I answer my cell and it starts out with This is Mrs. ....... Kaitlynn's teacher. All the sudden I am thinking what did she do that warrants a call to mom 15 minutes before school gets out. This can not be good. However good is what it was. Kaitlynn had been doing so well in fact they wanted to make her the star of the week.
During this week Kaitlynn was allowed to bring in her favorite book, pictures of her family, favorite stuffed animal, favorite snack. She was very excited. However Monday when I opened her agenda negative note not following directions. We warned her one more note this week cheer leading was over. I was rooting for her to succeed. I just paid the next months dues on cheer leading. Tuesday big smiley face.
Wednesday there was a big smiley face then it was crossed out and it said, "Kaitlynn punched _______ in the stomach."
I was so mad I jumped all over her and told her cheer leading was over that it was not acceptable to hurt our classmates. Kaitlynn started arguing with me. She explained what happened, said she apologized and was really good the rest of the day. The teacher even complimented her on it.
So I wrote a note to the teacher asking it what Kaitlynn told me had really occurred. And sure enough. Exactly what Kaitlynn said the teacher said really happened and the teacher apologized for not leaving another note to tell us. So right now cheer leading is still on but there is still one more day this week, so we'll see.
Sometimes I am told I am too hard on my children and they are still so young. I see it this way. If it were up to me my kids would be in private, catholic schools. However, currently my budget does not allow for it. So I have to make do with what I have. My child will behave and get the best education offered even if I have to help push it along. I had one teacher tell me I was way too strict. I may be way to strict but my kindergartner is reading, writing and learning her addition tables and is working slightly above grade level at 6 years old. Most of all still talks to me even though I do push her.
Anyway, off my soap box. Kaitlynn is doing well, she does like school, loves cheer leading and even though sometimes I am a big ol' meanie she still loves to snuggle up with Mommy at the end of the day. So it can't be all bad.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Peanut's new doo............

Lately, I have been told that I need to get Madelynn's hair cut. I keep refusing. I am not sure if it has to do with the fact once they get that first hair cut they are no longer babies any more or if like me I just want her hair longer before I cut it.
What ever the reason her hair is all over in her face and I needed to do something about it. I wanted her hair a little longer before I gave into that first hair cut. This is the result. She reminds of Cindy Lou Who, but I keep calling her sprout. She is the one who brings me the hair bows as she calls them in the morning so she must like it pulled up.
Have a great weekend! As usual we will have a busy one.
Friday, March 5, 2010
So many stories.....third times a charm
So we have had our new dog, Cami, since December. She is very sweet and still so much a puppy. As with puppies you have lot of chewing. In an effort to help her along with this I prepared myself or so I thought.
I bought her chew toys that she loves. I got her the denta bones and edible chew sticks, rope toys to play tug o war with. She is a herding dog and needs that daily time outside. With all the snow, rain, ice all the wet weather I really despise the last 8 weeks Cami is really having a hard time without her running/herding time.
She has free rein of the kitchen which is a really big space. We have slowly started letting her into the rest of the house after the kids go to bed or in a very controlled environment. I really thought things were going well. That is until this past Saturday.
Side note: Down the side of the blog is the Be the Match bone marrow donor link. I am a registered donor if needed. It takes a few steps to get everything complete but well worth it in the end.
Back to our regularly scheduled blog: Daily routine includes entering the house through the garage and into the kitchen. We have a space on the counter we toss everything to get in the door. Once Cami has been let out I have started to put the tossed items where they go. Less temptation for the dog.
Too bad Phil did not heed the same routine. Over this past weekend Phil came home tossed the mail on the counter, waited for me to come pick him up and left the house. When we returned the mail was in pieces about the size of 1 inch by 1 inch squares.
The only thought that came to mind was I am sorry sir I could not pay the bill my dog ate the mail.
In Saturday's mail was my Be the Match Identification card to put in my wallet. I didn't know I would get one it has been a few months since I completed registration. I already received a letter stating my DNA was registered in the system and if I get a call please be prepared. As I riffled through what was left of the mail. I found my registration card completely unharmed, no bite or chew marks.
I was stunned. I guess Cami shredded the unnecessary and kept the important stuff. Needless to say my new routine everyday includes making sure the counter has nothing on it before going to bed or leaving the house for any length of time......5 mins or more.
I bought her chew toys that she loves. I got her the denta bones and edible chew sticks, rope toys to play tug o war with. She is a herding dog and needs that daily time outside. With all the snow, rain, ice all the wet weather I really despise the last 8 weeks Cami is really having a hard time without her running/herding time.
She has free rein of the kitchen which is a really big space. We have slowly started letting her into the rest of the house after the kids go to bed or in a very controlled environment. I really thought things were going well. That is until this past Saturday.
Side note: Down the side of the blog is the Be the Match bone marrow donor link. I am a registered donor if needed. It takes a few steps to get everything complete but well worth it in the end.
Back to our regularly scheduled blog: Daily routine includes entering the house through the garage and into the kitchen. We have a space on the counter we toss everything to get in the door. Once Cami has been let out I have started to put the tossed items where they go. Less temptation for the dog.
Too bad Phil did not heed the same routine. Over this past weekend Phil came home tossed the mail on the counter, waited for me to come pick him up and left the house. When we returned the mail was in pieces about the size of 1 inch by 1 inch squares.
The only thought that came to mind was I am sorry sir I could not pay the bill my dog ate the mail.
In Saturday's mail was my Be the Match Identification card to put in my wallet. I didn't know I would get one it has been a few months since I completed registration. I already received a letter stating my DNA was registered in the system and if I get a call please be prepared. As I riffled through what was left of the mail. I found my registration card completely unharmed, no bite or chew marks.
I was stunned. I guess Cami shredded the unnecessary and kept the important stuff. Needless to say my new routine everyday includes making sure the counter has nothing on it before going to bed or leaving the house for any length of time......5 mins or more.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
So many stories........round two
Ok so all of the sudden Phil's side work has picked up. Which is good and bad. We already know the good, the bad is we see him so much less. I was excited because tonight was to be an early night and probably the only night we will see him at the dinner table for the next week.
We have also had some problems with our powder room toilet. Kaitlynn was helping me empty trash and noticed that there was water on the floor. Yes the tank on the toilet was leaking. So Katie and I called Daddy via radio. I described what I saw as to where the water looked like it was coming from and I turned the water off from the wall.
For days, We, Katie and I, kept reminding Phil to bring the parts home. When he finally did and looked at the toilet and tank, he had the wrong parts. Finally after some more reminders we now have the right parts. At the dinner table tonight, the kids were bugging him to fix the toilet so they did not have to run upstairs to use the bathroom. So after dinner Phil took his plate to the kitchen and headed out to his truck to get the parts.
All the sudden I hear, "Oh no, no, no, no, ........"
Phil can't find the keys to his work truck. It is about 7pm and dark. So Phil is walking around the house like he should be in a mental institution mumbling and what not. It took me a minute but I discovered he was re trailing his path from when he walked in the door and looking around for something.
That something would be our household flashlight to no avail.
Suddenly he asked Jack to go get his HOT WHEELS TOW TRUCK FLASHLIGHT..........YES......I SAID HOT WHEELS TOW TRUCK FLASHLIGHT. He wanted to borrow it. Jack comes downstairs and says, "Daddy I can't find it."
At this point Phil was extremely frustrated and had no idea how ridiculous he sounded but he said, "What do you mean you can't find it how can you not know where it is I need it."
This is coming from the man who needs it because he can't find his truck keys or the household flashlight to go look for the missing keys.
Hopefully I can word the next visual scene well enough.........
Phil finds Jacks flashlight and this is what I see.
A grown man in shorts, t-shirt and slippers walking out to his ginormous manly work truck with the blue hot wheels tow truck flashlight to find out if he locked his keys in the big truck.
There dangling from the ignition were the missing keys. To make matters worse he now has to take the family van in the same clothes described above, drive half way around the world to the shop so his boss could drive half way around the world from the other direction to meet him at the shop, open the shop to get the spare key. Phil's shop key was locked in the truck. The shop is about 5 mins from the airport and we live about 40-45 mins from the airport one way.
So much for my only family for the next 5-7 days.
At least there is laughter in everyday life to help make the blahs go away. More importantly it wasn't something I did he could tease me about.
Happy Weekend-Eve!!!!!!
We have also had some problems with our powder room toilet. Kaitlynn was helping me empty trash and noticed that there was water on the floor. Yes the tank on the toilet was leaking. So Katie and I called Daddy via radio. I described what I saw as to where the water looked like it was coming from and I turned the water off from the wall.
For days, We, Katie and I, kept reminding Phil to bring the parts home. When he finally did and looked at the toilet and tank, he had the wrong parts. Finally after some more reminders we now have the right parts. At the dinner table tonight, the kids were bugging him to fix the toilet so they did not have to run upstairs to use the bathroom. So after dinner Phil took his plate to the kitchen and headed out to his truck to get the parts.
All the sudden I hear, "Oh no, no, no, no, ........"
Phil can't find the keys to his work truck. It is about 7pm and dark. So Phil is walking around the house like he should be in a mental institution mumbling and what not. It took me a minute but I discovered he was re trailing his path from when he walked in the door and looking around for something.
That something would be our household flashlight to no avail.
Suddenly he asked Jack to go get his HOT WHEELS TOW TRUCK FLASHLIGHT..........YES......I SAID HOT WHEELS TOW TRUCK FLASHLIGHT. He wanted to borrow it. Jack comes downstairs and says, "Daddy I can't find it."
At this point Phil was extremely frustrated and had no idea how ridiculous he sounded but he said, "What do you mean you can't find it how can you not know where it is I need it."
This is coming from the man who needs it because he can't find his truck keys or the household flashlight to go look for the missing keys.
Hopefully I can word the next visual scene well enough.........
Phil finds Jacks flashlight and this is what I see.
A grown man in shorts, t-shirt and slippers walking out to his ginormous manly work truck with the blue hot wheels tow truck flashlight to find out if he locked his keys in the big truck.
There dangling from the ignition were the missing keys. To make matters worse he now has to take the family van in the same clothes described above, drive half way around the world to the shop so his boss could drive half way around the world from the other direction to meet him at the shop, open the shop to get the spare key. Phil's shop key was locked in the truck. The shop is about 5 mins from the airport and we live about 40-45 mins from the airport one way.
So much for my only family for the next 5-7 days.
At least there is laughter in everyday life to help make the blahs go away. More importantly it wasn't something I did he could tease me about.
Happy Weekend-Eve!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
So many stories.........One at a time
The last week and a half has been very tough. I have just been in a rut and can't quite get out. Don't get me wrong the new job is great I really like it and the people are wonderful. The kids are good staying out of trouble most of the time. Jack managed to pick up a bad cold but he is hanging in there. I just can't quite make the blahs go away. I guess it also has to do with the fact it is March and still snowing. It snowed all day yesterday.
In an effort to make the blahs go away I have a few stories for you. But one at a time.
Lately I have been trying to get Madelynn to eat all table food. Some days I am successful and others not so good. I have noticed that she watches Kaitlynn and Jackson on how they eat and tries to copy them. So the other day I made spaghetti her favorite. I put it in a little bit bigger bowl about the size Kaitlynn and Jackson eat out of. I even gave her the size fork the kids use to see how she could do with it.
Little did I know...........As she was chewing Madelynn gave her fork a closer examination. She discovered that the top of the fork had a lion imprint on it. You almost knew the instant she discovered it. Her face lit up and she yells,"Mommy!"
When I asked her 'what?' she points to the fork and with all her might yells,"RAAAAAA!!!" Her best lion growl to date. All I could do was laugh.
As the pasta noodles were disappearing into her tummy, she discovered that the bottom of the bowl had circus animals and she saw a tiger. Needless to say that best growl came flying out of her mouth. Now that we have mastered the growling sounds and the animals associated with them I have been trying to work on the cow. It is slow going and I don't even know how to type the combinations of letters that make up the sound coming out. It comes close to what a cow might sound like spinning around in the dryer though.
In an effort to make the blahs go away I have a few stories for you. But one at a time.
Lately I have been trying to get Madelynn to eat all table food. Some days I am successful and others not so good. I have noticed that she watches Kaitlynn and Jackson on how they eat and tries to copy them. So the other day I made spaghetti her favorite. I put it in a little bit bigger bowl about the size Kaitlynn and Jackson eat out of. I even gave her the size fork the kids use to see how she could do with it.
Little did I know...........As she was chewing Madelynn gave her fork a closer examination. She discovered that the top of the fork had a lion imprint on it. You almost knew the instant she discovered it. Her face lit up and she yells,"Mommy!"
When I asked her 'what?' she points to the fork and with all her might yells,"RAAAAAA!!!" Her best lion growl to date. All I could do was laugh.
As the pasta noodles were disappearing into her tummy, she discovered that the bottom of the bowl had circus animals and she saw a tiger. Needless to say that best growl came flying out of her mouth. Now that we have mastered the growling sounds and the animals associated with them I have been trying to work on the cow. It is slow going and I don't even know how to type the combinations of letters that make up the sound coming out. It comes close to what a cow might sound like spinning around in the dryer though.
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