Well we went to the dr today and new girl weighs approx 6lbs and 15oz. Let me repeat that 6lbs and 15oz. Yes almost 7lbs!! We technically have 5 weeks to go and she can gain anywhere from 1/2 to 1 lb a week. Needless to say when I go back to the dr in 2weeks we will be discussing inducing labor August 1st. I wish I would have had a camera on Phil's face when the tech told us how much she weighed. It was pretty priceless. She still has a little fluid around around her kidneys but not alot to worry about. It may go away right after she is born but they told us she can have an ultrasound after she is born to check it out.
Jack has offically moved to the red room which means he is potty trained enough for the schools liking. He still wears a diaper at night. He sleeps so heavily we will cross the that bridge later. He loves his new classroom. He is such a chatterbox when I pick him up about everything he did that day. His two friends Harry and Hannah are in there too so it makes it much easier for him. This is the most excited I have seen him about school. He can't wait to get there in the morning and talks about it all the time. He is much more vocal because they are now challanging him and he really enjoys it.
As for Katie, we have been working on her writing and spelling. Anytime she get paper and a writing utensil she is she is writing her name. She and I are still working on three letter words. Telling me the letters and I tell her the word so she can start to recognize them. Katie won't move into the Purple room (like a pre-k) till fall. So now she just spends some of her time in there and some in the yellow (reg room). If I could get her to stop running in the classroom and to keep her shoes on she would be doing great. I had to punish her and not allow her to wear flip flops to school for two weeks because she would not leave them on nor would she stop running.
We will be spending 4th of July at one of Phil's friends up at Lake Norman for the day. We were going to go to the annual Indian Trail Parade but it is supposed to be really hot and Phil doesn't want to go sit in it. The kids love it and they come home with a basket full of candy. Maybe next year. Other than that we still have some baby preparations to do and more importatly we have to get ready for Jack's birthday. He will finally be three. It seems like he has been two forever. Hope everyone is doing well and has a peaceful 4th. TTFN