Sunday, April 27, 2008

In case you were wondering....

The last two weeks have been busy so I figured I needed to catch everybody up. Jack went back to the ENT doctor to have his ears checked from surgey. One of his tubes is already blocked so we are treating it with drops the doctor gave us to help move the blockage out. The weather has been pretty decent that the kids have been outside alot without it being too hot. Of course Phil and I have been blessed with a really big oak tree in the back yard that we planted nine years ago. We knew nothing about the tree when we planted it and it has just taken off and has given us great shade in the back yard. Phil decided while the kids were napping he would go to Lowes get a peice of cedar and some rope and we now have two swings hanging from "Bob". For those of you who don't know , we went 8 years not knowing what kind of tree it was that we named it "Bob". This past year it spouted acorns so now it is "Bob the Oak". When Katie woke up from her nap I told her to go outside. As soon as she saw it I don't think three steps touched the deck. She loves it. Jack hasn't quite mastered it yet but when he does there will be a swing waiting for him.
I went to the doctor and he measured my belly and said I was right on track with my due date. We listened to the heartbeat wich was good. Then he checked my lab and discovered that I had way too much protein in my urine that they believe I have an infection of some kind. I was give baby safe drugs and have to go back to the doctor for a re-check. I also was told to drink cranberry juice which I hate so I opted for cran-grape juice. In the past four days I have had 128 oz of juice not including water. Let me just say I hate the bathroom.
Grandma Bacho came to visit us which was nice. She did playdough and took the kids out back while Phil and I went to run errands without little feet. It was really nice. Thanks Grandma!!!!
We appreciate it.
Phil is working like crazy. He was to have the weekend off however, there was a customer emergency that he had to go out at 7:30pm Sat nite getting home at about 10:30pm. He still had to return to the house Sun am at 9. They have at least fixed the customer until they can get parts Monday. I felt bad for the homeowners and I know Phil is exhauseted.
I have a doctors appt in May that will tell us very important things. I have the gesatational diabetes test, and ultrasound. The ultrasound will tell us where the placenta is and if we can have a normal birth or if a c-section will be required. I have never had a positive result on the diabetes test so I am not really concerned.
We hope everyone is doing well and surviving whatever the days are throwing at you. TTFN

Monday, April 7, 2008

just an update

Well, seeing as I have not left a post in a while I figured I better get to it. So, Phil and I are doing good. He was rear-ended Friday morning on his way to work. He is fine, the truck needs a new bumper but because this was a three car accident we have to wait for the insurance companies to figure out who is paying for it car two or car three. We had a successful garage/yard sale and I earned enough money to make a large dent in the changes we need to make for new baby girl.
New baby girl is doing well. She is sounding great. I had the opportunity to take both Katie and Jack to the Dr with me on separate visits to the ob. They were able to hear her heartbeat and were totally amazed. I am doing well just tired. I am sure it has a lot to do with the fact that I do too much and can not sleep at night. Pretty soon I won't be able to do as much so I am trying to get as much done as I can before Phil has to take on more. But the Dr says the baby is fine. We have an appt 4/24 for a check up and when we go to the Dr in May they will do the sugar test and another ultrasound to check the placement of the placenta. For those who do not know the placenta is placed in the wrong place that if it does not move at least 2cm we will have to have a C-Section. There is no danger to the baby.
As for Jack he is doing Great!!!! I believe the surgery has been a great success. We have a check up for him 4/17 to see how he is progressing. He is sleeping better, his appetite has increased and he just seems happier. They did do the allergy testing. He had mild reations to the dogs and one type of mold and a moderate reaction to the cats. Phil and I made a very difficult decision and turned three of the cats in to the animal shelter. We took the three younger ones forrest, lt dan and bubba. Hoping they would have the best chance of being adopted. It was a horrible day and I miss them but we had to make a choice. The Dr said that with the zyrtec he is on, the fact that we have the screen doors on the bedroom doors and that I wash his coats and bedding everyweek he should be okay. They do not believe the cat allergy is life threatening we just have to watch and see. We also started potty training Jack this week. I have to say I have never laughed so much in the last two days as I have in a while so it has been pretty funny. We are hoping that by the beginning of May he will be diaper/pull-up free except for sleeping.
Katie is doing superb!!! She is adapting well to baby girl moving into her room. We have been talking about it and she has been helping me get her room ready. She still loves school. If I could get her to stop running in the classroom, school would be great. Once a week I get a note that she is running in the classroom. She panicked when I took her Kitchen out of her room. When she realized it was just in another room in the house life was good again. Last fall we planted alot of bulb plants and she has had lot of fun watching it grow. We go out a couple times a week to watch/look for new growth and flowers.
The only other question I might not have answered for you is baby girl's name. Well, we have no idea we are still working on it. Once we know we will either share or wait till she is born and announce it. Sorry!!! Hope everyone is well!!! TTFN