Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jack's Surgery

Well we are home from surgery and Jack is sleeping. The Dr said that one of his tubes was actually still in his ear but completely covered with gunk. So he replaced that tube, put another tube in the other ear. The dr also removed his adenoids. They were a little inlarged and irritated so it was good they were coming out. The Dr wished that Jack was older because he has large tonsils and it would have been better to take them out but Jack was too young. So we might be back in the future to have those removed. It is all dependent on today. Today's surgery may have been enough. That is what the dr is hoping anyway. Jack will be able to go back to school Monday. He probably would have been ok for Friday but the school is closed for Easter. Thanks for all the well wishes and concerns from family and friends. Need to get to work while Jack is sleeping. TTFN

Thursday, March 13, 2008

it's a girl!!!!!

It is a girl and doctors say she looks really good!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Florida Trip

I need to make this quick because it is way past my bed time. Sorry there are so many photos to share but I only shared 64 out of a couple of hundred. Considering I dropped my camera and broke it Friday about lunch time. I ended it up with some great memories, Thanks to Patti and Joy. Patti lent me an extra camera she had and Joy helped take pics with her camera. I did not get to see everyone while I was there, ran out of time, maybe next time. Justine it was great to see you and Ed. Keep us posted on your arrival in October.
We had an excellent time and I think the kids really enjoyed themselves. It was fun to walk thru the Disney park and remember the last time I was there. I hope when we take the kids back again they will have great memories. Phil had never been to Disney before so it was a great time. Probably the best was taking Jack on It's a small world. He was mesmorized. His facial expressions were great, he never spoke a word just watched.
Jack had the best time at the beach. I never realized it until we were walking to the car that I dressed him like a tourist. All he was missing was the black socks , sandels and his own camera. Katie and Daddy collected shells and we walked on the beach with the kids.
Although we had a great time, I am glad to be home. Thanks to Patti and her generosity it was our best vacation to date. Thanks again Patti. Joy it was so great to see you and we are very proud of you and love you, keep up the good work.
Changing the subject.......today is the ultrasound that will tell us whether it is a boy or a girl. I believe it is a boy. I will post the answer when we know. TTFN

fla last day

fla day 3

fla day 1

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sunday Fun!!!

Well, It took a little doing but a finally figured out a schedule on the weekends that works around our house. Needless to say when the kids woke up from nap outside they went. While they were napping it was so nice out I went out back on the deck and planted the seeds to start our veggie garden. I start them in biodegradable cups, then after Easter I plant them in the ground. Just as I finished Katie woke up from her nap. She and Jack were sleeping on the couch and love seat in the living room. Then a short while later Jack woke up. I convinced Daddy that he did not want to miss a fun in the sun afternoon with the kids so out he came. I was washing the deck chairs when Katie grabbed the hose and nailed me with water. Of course Daddy thought it was so funny so Katie turned the hose on him. We finally get it away from her. Although she was soaked they played ball, played horsey with Daddy, danced, and hung from the tree like monkeys. Hopefully they had as much fun as Daddy and sleep as well as he does tonight. I know there are alot of photos in the display but that is only about 25% of what I took. What a fun afternoon. This is one of the things I love most about the Carolinas......the beginning of March and the Kids can spend the whole afternoon outside in shorts without the humidity. Enjoy all the photos!!!! TTFN

PS Joy and Patti.....See you soon!!!

Sunday Fun!!!