Monday, February 1, 2016

I will not apologize......#areyouaware

Before October 2008 I had never heard of Congenital Heart Defects (CHD). I was raising the family next door and life was like any other American family with 2.5 kids. Then everything changed we became a statistic I had never heard of before, we were 1 in 100. Did you know every year 1 out every 100 babies born has a CHD? Did you know every year 10,000 babies are born with a CHD. Did you know more children die from CHD than all childhood cancers combined??

If you didn't know don't worry most people don't. But for me that is not ok. I do not accept that there is not enough money for research to save these babies. I do not accept any parent should have to bury their child from this disease. So I will share today, tomorrow and the day after that, the week, months and years after that. I want everyone to be aware about this disease. There is NO cure for this disease just surgeries to prolong life.

I will not apologize for sharing or over sharing what I know about CHD. I did not choose to be a member of this statistic but I am. My daughter did not choose to have open heart surgery to save her life but she did. She is one of the lucky ones to be winning her fight against CHD, but she is not cured.

February is Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Month and my hope is to make you aware. If you get annoyed because you feel like I am stuffing it down your throat I won't apologize for that. If it wasn't for someone becoming aware my daughter would have died in 2008 and I wouldn't have deserved that.

So #areyouaware??


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