Saturday, February 13, 2016

one of five..............

As most of you are wiping the sleep from your face this morning I will be lining up at the staring line for the annual Cupid Cup in 25 degrees. I have a personal goal this year to complete 5 5k races in 2016 and this will be my first one of the year. This will be the third time I have completed this race and the second year in a row I am stupid enough to run in below freezing temperatures. I have know idea why I would put myself through this torture,

Oh wait yes I do.................

A 5K is 3.2 miles.

Today my first mile will be for all of those mothers, fathers, brothers sisters, aunts, uncles that utilize cardiac rehab after a cardiac event. My father suffered a heart attack a few years ago. He takes care of himself and was able to access cardiac rehab in his recovery. It is a vital part of recovery.

When I start my second mile it will be for all of the congenital heart defect warriors like my Madelynn. All of those children who have endured a most unimaginable start in life that includes open heart surgery many (times more than one), weeks and months in the hospital, endless doctor visits and other tests that are not part of growing goals of a new born. If they can fight through this journey I can fight through my second mile.

Finally when I reach the start of my third mile it will be the most grueling of the day. I will be tired, cold, my lungs will hurt and I will want  to give up. I can't, I won't. This mile is for the all of the heart warriors who have earned their wings, all of them too soon. They fought until the very end I can continue to put one foot in front of the other and finish.

Oh but wait their will still be .2 miles left. It hardly seems worth mentioning .2 miles but that will be for me. I am the daughter of a cardiac rehab patient, I am the mother of a CHD warrior and survivor, I am the friend to some of those mothers who left the hospital empty handed. I have traveled this exhausting journey and today I run for all of those that can't.

Happy #heartmonth #chdweek hugs to Madelynn, Jessica, Brandon, Evan, Amanda, and all the other #CampLUCK warriors,

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