Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Congenital and Acquired.......

When I made my list of things to blog about for CHD Awareness Week, I felt like I was ready for the week. Then today came and I had writer's block. How does that happen? I had mentally made a commitment to do this and I was drawing a blank. It has been a long day and my post still isn't done.


Too lazy to get the laptop downstairs, I decided I would blog off my nook and see what inspires me. I clicked on the web and it took me to the last thing I searched for on the web......blood clots.....it almost took my breath away. The last time I used my nook it was about midnight, two weeks ago, my father was being rushed to the hospital for chest pains.


I later found out he had a mild heart attack, the doctor found the blockage, worked his magic with a stent in the cath lab and 48 hours later he was on his way home. The advances in medical technology made this a very non evasive procedure for my dad. I was very happy my dad would be ok.


Once I knew this I told my children. They were visibly shaken and did not fully understand. They asked to see him. I explained the doctor told him to rest and promised we would see him soon. I was so glad everything worked out with the best possible result. He is one very lucky man.


During CHD Awareness Week we try to spread awareness about CHD. Some heart conditions are not congenital they are acquired. My dad's condition was acquired over time. Spreading Awareness about these events are important too. Encouraging healthy eating, exercise and being smart about choices you make to protect your body are good examples.


Just because you aren't the patient doesn't mean you might not become one. I urge you to please be aware of all your choices because you never know when your life will be altered.




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