Friday, January 4, 2013

not an obligation.........

Love is a Gift NOT an obligation.

Today has been one of those days that this Mama was truly tested. My children are a gift. As an extention of that gift is the love I have for them. But today I could not take it. I have been battling a headache that took 12 hours to go away. Two of my children came home from school an absolute wreck.

Jack was so tired everything made him whine and cry. Even when I wasn't talking to him he would high-pitched squeal and cry. He had about 5 melt downs in about 4 hours. This mama was pushed to the edge today. Finally, we got enough food in him (seriously he come home everyday eats about 700 calories in snacks and still eats dinner less that two hours later, God help me when he is a teenager, he's only seven now), he cleaned his room, did some homework and I sent him to bed.

The Girls on the other hand REFUSED to clean their room, made an even bigger mess and nothing gets their attention. I have to be a mean mommy again. Before Christmas I threatened to take all the toys away. I did. I sorted the toys with sentimental value bagged up the rest and took them to Good Will. Just to walk in their room frustrates me to a point I want to cry. So tomorrow I will be collecting the new Christmas toys and throwing them in a bag.

I always tell them I love them even after we have disagreed about something, clothes, messy room, homework. Sometimes they even ask, "Mommy do you love me even though you are mad right now." The answer is always,"Yes, to infinity and beyond, to the moon and back, forever and ever, ALWAYS!"

As I head off to bed to end this EXHAUSTING day. I am thankful for my gifts but more greatful the sun has gone down and very soon today will be a memory. Here is to starting fresh in the morning and always treasuring a gift.


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