Friday, May 1, 2009

What a day..................

Today was a kind of groundbreaking day for me. Some things were a sign of relief while others were enough to make me have anxiety attack all in the same 30 minute period. At 7am this morning Phil and I drove Katie,Jack and Maddie to the Daycare/Pre-school. Yes, today Maddie went back to her daycare. They were very excited to have her back and her teacher could barely contain herself.

It brings you a sense of peace that just maybe we might reach an end to this unbelievable journey. As long as Maddie continues to eat well, it is all down hill from here. Lucky for us right now the enrollment is down due to the economy so with less children in the nursery less germs to share. This gives Maddie a better chance. Maddie had a GREAT first day back. Her teacher was very excited at all the things that Maddie could do.....hold her head up, roll in any direction, commando crawl. At the rate things are going right now it will just be a matter of days Maddie can go from being on her belly to sitting up by herself. Probably another week or two before she is crawling on her own. For Maddie today was a Great day!!!!!

After dropping the kids off, Phil and I headed to the elementary school for Katie's kindergarten meeting. I'm not sure about Phil but I was quite impressed and very excited for Katie. The school is amazing!!! It is a public school, we originally hoped for private but with everything we have been through and the economy it is just not possible. Anyway, on a weekly basis Katie as a 5 year old (6 in December) will have a computer class 1 to 2 times a week, Spanish class 2 times a week, art class, not including the regular kindergarten curriculum.

I think Katie is going to be on overload and extremely excited. I did not know Katie could have come this morning. So I am going to see if I can take her to see the school next week. One of the current kindergarten teachers has been at the school since it opened. This alone is a big deal because the school has been around about 12 years. However this teacher lives in another county, she was so impressed with our county school system and this school she asked for permission to bring her children to the school.

When we talked to the cafeteria Manager she was really nice. She was really excited the health department just evaluated them a week ago and they received a 102%. This is the highest score you can get. After the first six weeks we can go to the school and have lunch with Katie. That will be fun. I really hope this will be a great experience for Katie, it appears to be a great school. I have talked to a lot of parents and they have had great experiences. I hope we will too.

Then we have Jack. I think I will spend the rest of my life asking 'What am I going to do with that boy'. He is just having a horrible time at school. He doesn't want to listen to his teachers and so rebellious. If my parents thought I was a rebellious child, not even close and he is only three. I really am beside myself as to what to do with him.

To give you an example....Jack misbehaves....I ask him to sit....I give him an exact spot to sit and he will be two steps over from the spot I told him and he will lay down instead of sit up. I know he is feeling lost and probably trying to get my attention. I read to him 3 to 4 night a week. We do spend some time together I just feel like I am always correcting or reprimanding him. I need to figure out a new plan for him. I have nothing else to just need to find something that interests him so we get on a better road.

Hopefully, I can come up with some ideas soon before I completely lose control of him. I am sure some of it has to do with being a boy, and the fact that he is a middle child and the back seat he has taken to Maddie but there must be an answer. Hoping to find it soon.


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