Sunday, January 7, 2018

Week 1 of 52

2018 has started with a bang and certainly not in a way I ever dreamed. KT has decide she wanted to take horse back riding lessons. I love horses. There are amazing creatures but I know very little about them much less how to fulfill a child's wish to take lessons. So to see if she was truly serious I told her she needed to find a place for lessons and she had to help us pay for them.

At 14 it is not easy to find a way to earn money to help pay for her lessons. But she held on to all of her birthday money, did chores around the house, kept her room clean and all of her classes up at school. She earned enough for her first month of lessons. Her first lesson of 2018 was so cold  I thought I was going to freeze to death. It was a true test of the lengths I would go for my child to help her reach a goal. Even with frozen toes and fingers, I managed to take a few pictures.

As part of the lesson you have to retrieve the horse from the pasture
and prep it for your lesson. I love this idea and believe it is a great
learning experience.

She loves every part of her lesson.

This is Vuela (Vway-la) one of KT's favorites.

She had a little difficulty trying to put the saddle on. Being short and the
saddle being a little cumbersome makes it a little challenging.

Her favorite place to be no matter the weather. It is only about 35 degrees.

I could not duplicate that smile making her do
anything else.

Until next time. Thanks for the ride.

As parents we make choices and sacrifices for our children. I spent most of a Saturday outside in about 35 degree weather while KT did what she loves. It is certainly not my ideal Saturday but she is truly happy doing what she loves. We spent a few years telling KT no because of what Madi needed. Madi's CHD came first for so many reasons. It is nice to be able to say yes to a CHD sibling and just for a little while nothing in the experience had anything to do with a CHD or a sick child. Experiencing how the other half lives even though it was way too cold for this southern Mama was a day well spent. I may have not been born down her but 20+ years south of the Mason-Dixon line anything below 60 degrees is too cold for me.

Hope you know how much I love you Punkin!


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