Monday, February 20, 2017

The right path to be a good man......

For the last few months my 11 year old son has been begging me to go to the movies with his friends. I have had several ways to ixnay this but not be the bad guy. Then he came to me and asked if he and his best friend from preschool could go to the movies. I conceded but only if Daddy could go too. So Jackson and his best friend and Daddy headed off to the movies. I felt I had found a happy medium.

Sunday Jackson asked me if he could go to the movies with his friend Lanie. I told him I wasn't saying No (even though I was ready to let those words roll right out) but, I needed to ask his Daddy. Sometime between that conversation and this morning Jackson completely cleaned his room. I was speechless. I also realized this was important to him because I did not have to ask. So this morning Phil and I spoke about it. Yes I am fully aware this is his little girlfriend. I asked who else was going? I told him unless it was a group of people four or more he could not go. So Lanie, her friend, and 18 year old sister all went to see the Batman Lego Movie. They were chauffeured by Lanie's mom.

Before we left for the movies I sat Jackson down and told him he could not leave the inside of the movie theater and a serious safety talk. Then we discussed, how he needed to be on his best behavior, hold the door open for Lanie and always let her go first, be a gentleman. He started grinning and turned very bashful. It was very cute.

We showed up and the theater and the girls poured out of the other mini van and then there was Jackson. As they walked up to get tickets, my heart just melted as my sweet boy was so happy to see Lanie. When they all disappeared into the theater doors, Lanie's mom walked up to my van and introduced herself. We chatted for a few minutes and I quickly discovered her mom and I felt the same way about this "date".

At the designated time Jackson gave me to come and pick him up, I texted and told him I was on my way. He knew the rules and texted back for permission to go down to the frozen yogurt shop. I sat in the parking lot and watched him walk down and sit outside at a table with all the girls. He forgot to open the door for her at the yogurt shop so we still have work to do. However, I don't many 11 year old boys who have the confidence to join a group of giddy middle school girls and hold their own.

I know he had a good time because he came home sat outside and facetimed with her. He had a chance to chat with her without the entourage. He was already trying to make plans for the next acceptable meeting place.

There are truly no words to tell you how overwhelming this is as his mom. So many things I want him to do and say, habits I want him to build to treat and respect the females in his life. My only saving grace in another week or so he will have soccer training/practice for both his local team and OPD; not including keeping his grades up at school. I know this is some type of right of passage in middle school but God help me direct him down the right path to be a good man.


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