Monday, April 4, 2016

Savoring the gifts before you......

As Soccer season came to a close in the Fall, Madelynn told me she did not want to play in the Spring. I told her we would talk about it in the Spring. In February, Madelynn and I had a conversation about her playing soccer. She has talked about wanting to dance. So I promised her if she played another season of soccer and gave it 100% I would investigate dance. At this point I still have not found a studio for her.

She however has found her own studio and it requires soccer cleats. She has danced her way down the field. In her last game she acquired the ball at more than half field. She managed to get past every single player on the other team. As she was about to shoot she realized they are hot on her trail and her teammate was calling for the cross to try and score. She sent the cross and they scored. It was a beautiful drive down field. She is learning how to be a team player and make her own way.

On one of her next possessions she took the ball all the way down, everyone close behind and no one to cross it too this time. She took the shot. The keeper stopped it. She ran so much in that quarter and still wanted to play in the next quarter. To try and give her a break and still play coach put her the box like her sister. At this age her big sister is allowed to be behind the box coaching her.

The game ended in a 2-2 tie, It was not the result we were hoping for but I was in awe of what I had witnessed. Not only had Madelynn upheld her end of the bargain, she exceeded it. To the stranger on the street she is a very tiny 7.5 year old weighing about 43 pounds soak and wet. To me she is a TRUE WARRIOR who fought her way back from a hell I would not wish on my worst enemy. On the days she wanted to give up I carried her. On the days I almost gave up God carried us both.

Never in a million years would I have imaged I could post pictures like these.

She never stopped fighting for the ball.

She found her opening and took off.

She met a defender but didn't stay long.

Her teammate calling for the ball. 

The big cross for the score.
Found her self down field alone so she took the shot.

This is a sobering reminder children with heart conditions don't own soccer cleats. I will never understand why we were given a second chance and other families did or will not. What I do know is we will never waste this type of gift, EVER. Madelynn's story is one of hope we must continue to share.
My favorite part of this game was watching Kaitlynn who had a bye week coach her little sister from behind the net. It was sweet. It was again another one of those moments I see as a gift and will never take for granted. 

Teaching her all she knows.

They did not score on her. Thanks to her big sister.
Learning to treasure every moment as a gift, document it and remind her never to waste it.


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