Sunday, May 10, 2015

Learning along the Journey......

I am a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I have been a friend, student, 3rd shift grocery stocker, cashier, floral clerk, accounting clerk, office accountant and heart mom. I still am a friend, office accountant and a heart mom.

Throughout this journey I have learned to

Smile and Laugh EVERYDAY
Tell the truth even if it is the hardest thing you have ever done
Love with your WHOLE heart
Be a best friend to EVERYONE
Say I'm Sorry and Mean It
Do your best at everything
Pray, pray every day and for every thing

These are not easy things. Life is hard. I can think of some of my worst days and I still found something to smile or laugh about. It is not easy to look your friend in the face and tell them the truth even though it will make they cry. You shouldn't love any thing half way. It must be all or nothing.

Because you never know what struggle your friend is carrying it is imperative to always be a best friend. You might be the thing that changes their day or helps them find their smile during the ugly days. I am far from perfect and make mistakes everyday. Acknowledging that and saying I'm sorry must be done.

At the end of the day I stew about whether I gave it my best. If I didn't I figure out why or what I need to do. I don't get it right every day but I can look myself in the mirror and know I gave it my all. I pray everyday for everything. If my friend calls because something happened I pray about it. When my kids get on the bus I pray for their safe return to me and for open minds to become the best people they can. I pray for my husband's safety at work. I also pray in thanksgiving we made it through the day.

As we celebrate Mother's Day, I know life is hard. But the reward of being a Mom and celebrating everything that comes with it is worth every drop of blood, sweat and tears. Don't forget to share what you learned along the way.

Special Love to Mom as I get to see her today.


1 comment:

Connie Bosch said...

Happy Mother's Day Chelsea!!!! Thank you for being a great friend!!! I hope you have a great day