Saturday, February 28, 2015

7 days a week, 365 days a year.....

Today ends Heart Month! For families with children fighting heart defects the journey never ends. There is no remission, there is NO CURE. We are reminded 365 days a year and not 28. We find the strength to surrender our warriors to a surgeon knowing no matter what the result our lives will never be the same after.

The other day I came across a picture that every time I see it I stop. This picture represents the last time my life made sense. It is the last time I remember what my "normal" life used to be. When I see this picture I had no idea what the inside of a children's hospital looked like. I didn't know most of my current friends. I didn't even know what a CHD was. Life changed forever.

Would I choose this life? NO! Do I regret it? NO!

Because of Madelynn's CHD, I have a tight knit group of heart moms that are worth their weight in gold. These women understand our journey. There are certain things that I do not have to explain why they just know. They make the hard blows we take about our warriors a little softer. I am truly indebted to them.

Because of Madelynn's CHD, I understand parents of chronically ill children much better. I appreciate every good day and savor every ray of sunshine. Parents don't necessarily want you to fix everything sometimes they need a sounding board to just vent. If they don't let it out they can't move on or realize what they need to do next.

Because of Madelynn's CHD, I have learned to pray more, accept whatever decision the Lord has handed down and most importantly make a conscience effort to understand why this had to happen. What did I need to learn from it? How is this going to make me a better person?

Don't get me wrong none of these sound like very glamorous jobs. They are not easy tasks. Some days I just don't want to do it. But what if I didn't? What if I stopped following  and praying for heart families. What if one day God laid it on my heart to reach out to a family and I didn't do it? What the world end? Probably not.....But I also neglected to give hope to a family struggling. I am not sure I could live with that.

We don't just need support and cheerleaders during the month of February. We need prayer warriors, and friendly hellos, hugs when you see us and mean it when you ask how we are. The is a very real experience all year long and it almost never an easy one.

Thank you for all of those who have always supported us and our journey. Thank you for just calling to say, "Hi". Thank you for rushing to the hospital in our moment of crisis. Thank you for the moms shopping days and dinners. Thank you for even just for a little while making life seem "Normal", whatever that is anymore.


Happy Heart Month!

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