Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Eventually, during the month of October I won't be such an emotional train wreck. I thought I was doing so well until I went to Madelynn's Halloween Hullabaloo. It was so cute and unfortunately I did not take a single picture. Instead I took in the moment. It hit me so hard that right in the middle of it I could not stop crying.

I thought the different classes of Madelynn's school were going to be doing something different for Halloween, for example little skits and songs. I was wrong. The director hired a 3 piece band to come in and play kids music that required their involvement. If someone would have told me I was about to witness a miniature size mosh pit I would have never believed them. It was hilarious.

As Madelynn's class was led into the room for the concert these little two-year olds were terrified. They were not familiar with the room they were in. They did not recognize that many people and were very confused. Madelynn didn't even realize I was right behind her for the first five minutes. It then took her another 10 minutes to get out of my lap and start dancing.

Watching her dance and fully enjoy a kids show where she could dance and be herself was amazing to watch. It took my breath away. To think two years ago almost to the day she was about to undergo her open heart surgery. As I realized that and how far we had come I couldn't stop crying. We had reached a monumental point in her life, I remember begging God to please get us to this very point one day and He did not let us down.

As I see her blossom in her new school, she is experiencing things I would have never imagined. She has this gentle soul that the children in her class even know about. There is a little girl in the class that is blind. First of all, to see her mother interact with her and explain the world around her is humbling. But Madelynn knows she is different. Only Madelynn sees it differently. She picked up on the fact that the little girl's mother explains the things she can not see. When Madelynn sees the girl's mother she wants to help her get her things (backpack, lunch box, etc). Her compassion for others is amazing.

But then one day one of her classmates acquired a boo-boo that just needed a hug and a little TLC. However, the injured child did not want the teacher to help the boo-boo go away. Instead the child asked for Madelynn to give him a hug instead. Madelynn even kissed his boo-boo for him. It was very sweet; the teachers we disappointed they could not get it on video.

I can't imagine how my two year old little girl already knows how to show compassion and empathy to others. Most days it is unfathomable to me. I just hope I can help her continue to develop these wonderful attributes as she grows older and she can put them to good use in her every day life.

I am continually astonished and humbled myself everyday.


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