Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Peanut's upcoming Birthday

I went to Party City and found all kinds of cute girly decorations....flowers, butterflies, you name it, I found it. It is all so cute. The party is set for Saturday a day after her birthday. We were going to have a party in the late morning so that in the afternoon we could take all the kids swimming at the rec center. I was really excited about the whole day with the kids.

However, I feel like all of that will be swept away in an instant.

In recent weeks at the rec center Peanut has been getting cold while swimming and her lips are turning blue. We have been getting her warm and then letting her go back to the pool. In the last visit to the rec center it took close to an hour for her lips to be a normal color.

We were supposed to meet with Peanut's nutritionist last week and she is out on sick leave. It was suggested by her case manager we go to the health department to get her weight check since they do not know when the nutritionist will be able to see her again. I do not like the health department so I went to the pediatrician's office. They always let us sneak in for a weight check. I asked if they would check he pulse ox level while we were there.

All the sudden they all went crazy. I explained the blue lipped issue and I was told we had to wait to see the doctor. The doctor said she looked ok and her pulse ox was good but she needs to see the cardiologist. I explained that we have an appointment for the 18th of Aug. The doctor said no it MUST be sooner. (Small panic is setting in, memories of the first time).

After the nurse called the cardiologist with very little answers, I called the cardiologist. I explained the situation. They said we could see another doctor at the heart institute Friday August 6th (imagine that). What a great way for Madelynn to spend her birthday.

So I have two choices......I can enjoy the next two days off I have getting ready for Peanut's Party (which is what I should do) or I can worry about what they might find (this is what I will probably do).

She is displaying no symptoms of a problem in any other day to day event except swimming. She eats well, sleeps well, runs, jumps and plays with out incident. So I should be at ease that it maybe nothing. However, the last time I spent the days convincing myself it was nothing I was so terribly wrong.

So I hope and pray that it is nothing. But if it is something I hope I have the strength to help her overcome it, it is something the doctors can correct and that it will not disrupt her eating and weight gain accomplishments thus far.


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